Far too many people are told that their anxiety is behind their health problems—that if they could learn to control their worries, they’d be in much better shape. In reality, it’s the other way around: Physical health issues are behind almost the entire anxiety epidemic. When anxiety is not stand-alone and accompanies other symptoms in this list, at least part of that physical cause is usually a large amount of EBV neurotoxins that are saturating and inflaming the vagus nerve (which runs to the brain), along with elevated levels of toxic heavy metals.
While emotional trauma can also cause anxiety all on its own, that anxiety so often sticks around, even when the trauma is long past, and becomes chronic because of a vicious cycle with EBV: anxious periods trigger off bursts of fear-based adrenaline, which fuels the virus, in turn releasing an abundance of neurotoxins that keep anxiety going. For more on anxiety, turn to Chapter 29, Identifying Sleep Issues.
Excerpt from Thyroid Healing by Anthony William, p50. Continue reading and get your copy today at http://amzn.to/2mfPiJ0
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