Medical Medium Thyroid Healing


This common symptom can occur at different stages of EBV. Early on, during the mono phase, fatigue can result as your immune system puts its energy into fighting your first active, present, and ready-to-go-into-action viral blood infection. Once EBV is in the organs, a second type of fatigue—neurological fatigue—can occur from the virus releasing its neurotoxins. Neurological fatigue is frequently mistaken for adrenal fatigue, though they are truly distinct. Neurological fatigue and adrenal fatigue can occur either separately or at the same time, because one has to do with the nervous system and the other with the endocrine system. [...] Adrenal fatigue is a real and legitimate condition—there’s a reason that I devoted a chapter to it in Medical Medium. Still, we must be careful not to identify every case of fatigue as adrenal fatigue—which is what’s happening in many medical communities today. Doctors, other practitioners, and the latest books are pointing to adrenal overload as the explanation for so much. It’s not the brand-new discovery it may seem like. It’s recycled and repackaged information that’s technically decades old in its attempt to explain why so many people are sidelined in life. Adrenal fatigue as the across-the-board answer is distracting from the truth, which is that late-stage Epstein-Barr virus is targeting the central nervous systems of countless people. Viral neurotoxins are flooding their systems, creating an undetectable viral encephalitis (brain inflammation) that creates irritated, lethargic, sensitive nerves throughout the body and can get in the way of life in devastating ways.

Excerpt from Thyroid Healing by Anthony William, p46. Continue reading and get your copy today at

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