Hello and welcome to the Medical Medium HEALTH ARTICLES page. I'm so happy to have you here. Visit this page anytime for inspiration and valuable insights on foods that will help you to heal and feel your best. Happy reading!
Cucumbers have a fountain-of-youth effect, hydrating us at the deepest cellular level possible. Plus, cucumbers’ cooling effect makes them excellent at rejuvenation and especially effective at cooling a hot, stagnant liver. When eaten on a daily basis, cucumbers can reverse liver damage, dialing back 10 to 15 years of toxin exposure (including from heavy metals and pesticides such as DDT) and poor d...
Read this postIf posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been ruled out—which is to say, if it’s been determined that trauma from past abuse or suffering is not the cause of someone’s chronic anger, and rather, it’s unexplained—then toxic heavy metals saturating emotional areas of the brain and a stagnant, sluggish liver are the underlying causes.You can also have a mix of all three: trauma, metals, and an overl...
Read this postEvery case of dyslexia is different; each person’s experience of it is unique. That’s because of its cause: exposure in early life, even before birth, to toxic heavy metals such as mercury that saturate a combination of language areas of the brain, which could include learning, visual, and recognition regions. As I share in “Your Alloy Brain” in Medical Medium Brain Saver, heavy metals never settle ...
Read this postEveryone is different. Not in the way we normally think. While our souls are different, our physical bodies, as humans, are meant to function in the same way. We eat food, drink water, urinate and defecate; our hearts beat and our blood pumps; we walk on our feet, we see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, our stomachs are meant to digest…until something goes wrong and we can’t. We can’t walk, we ...
Read this postThis powerful soul-healing meditation and emotional support technique comes from the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition). This healing meditation offers tremendous support for your heart, spirit, and soul, and is a fantastic way to help bring deep emotional and spiritual healing. You can d...
Read this postResting The Nerves is a very powerful healing and centering technique from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes that reboots the nervous system. Our brains are all susceptible to becoming weakened and neurologically sick. This approach is accessible to all of us when we need to give the brain and nervous system a quick restorative so we can be stronger for the day or night. You can try it anywh...
Read this postHave you heard or read the idea that the brain is made up primarily of fat and we need to eat a lot of healthy fats to have a healthy brain? These theories are becoming increasingly popular, but they are just that: theories. They’re not the truth. Is there any fat in a healthy brain that’s in a healthy body? In Brain Saver, I share that, yes, there is—extremely low levels of fat compared to what sci...
Read this postWe all go through experiences that limit our ability to trust. Up to a point, that’s helpful for survival. An abundance of innocence can lay the foundation for a major betrayal. As I explain in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition), we can lose faith when we go from doctor to doctor, realizing that medical research and scien...
Read this postIf you’re concerned about regulating blood sugar, turn to kiwis for support. Kiwis are an amazing food for diabetes, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia. Whether your blood sugar levels are too low or too high, eating this fruit will bring you back to center as it simultaneously lowers fat in the bloodstream. Imbalanced blood sugar levels also often tie into moodiness, OCD, depression, and difficulty co...
Read this postIf someone told you they never get emotional, one of four things could be happening: They don’t realize what they’re saying. They’re not telling the truth. They handle their emotional state by convincing themselves that they never become emotional. They spend time around people who express their emotions in a much more pronounced way, so in comparison, they think they don’t get ...
Read this postOne of the main causes of the chronic mystery illnesses, symptoms, and conditions so many people live with today is viruses, such as the over 60 strains of Epstein-Barr, over 30 strains of shingles, multiple varieties of HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, over 100 varieties of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, and many others. This is original Medical Medium information. In truth, it’s impossible to live in this worl...
Read this postTurmeric contains natural and very beneficial steroidal compounds from curcumin as well as other aspects of the turmeric that are critical to calm down outsized inflammatory responses to pathogens.Turmeric is great for anything in the body that’s inflamed and causing pain, from nerves to joints to the brain.It is helpful for myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and undiscover...
Read this postWhen someone is handed an ALS diagnosis, it often leaves the patient and loved ones feeling hopeless. If this is you, take heart. As with so many chronic illnesses, ALS is only a label, not an explanation. The label of ALS alone—the fear, panic, and lost sleep it causes—is often partially responsible for someone’s sudden health decline. Understanding the true cause of ALS brings insight into how it ...
Read this postDid you know that Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes includes supplement protocols with dosages for colds, flus, and COVID? Not just for adults but for children too. There are supplement protocols for children from the age of one to two years old, all the way to age 13 years and up, that you can consider and take to your doctor to discuss what’s best for your child.Brain Saver Protocols, Clea...
Read this postWhen we’re sick or suffering, we often get lost. It can feel like a roller coaster of hope—one moment feeling optimistic about healing, the next feeling crushed, and then having to reestablish hope again. Symptoms can be a constant reminder that something is wrong. Some people have symptoms from a young age and don’t remember what it’s like to not have symptoms. Some may be at the beginning of chron...
Read this postThere’s no way humankind could physically evolve faster than the forces we are up against. And that’s because instead of our bodies advancing, everything wrong about the world is evolving. Have you read Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes yet? If so, you’d know why, in detail.Environmental pollution is evolving. The ocean is becoming more toxic. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch ...
Read this postIntermittent onsets of severe seizures come from large deposits of heavy metals. Sometimes there are even clusters of large deposits, although it’s usually only a cluster of two deposits.What creates these seizures is the interaction of metals–specifically, an alloy of mercury, aluminum, and copper, with all three of those residing next to each other and sometimes even partially forged together thro...
Read this postToxic heavy metals are the undiscovered cause of bipolar disorder. When someone has an elevated amount of metals in the brain, their brain runs hotter. With bipolar, the heating is different because the combination of metals—the alloy—retains heat longer.Generally, the alloy behind bipolar is composed of mercury, copper, toxic calcium, arsenic, toxic platinum, and nickel. The levels of each metal ar...
Read this postThe Angel of Mercy is one of the 27 Essential Angels I share about in Medical Medium Revised and Expanded. The Angel of Mercy is by far the most powerful angel to call upon in your darkest hour—more powerful even than the archangels. She is one of the strongest angels in God’s Angelic Realm. God has summoned her many times to battle darkness. Darkness holds no mercy for humankind. The Angel of Mer...
Read this postThe Angel of Faith is one of the 27 Essential Angels I share about in Medical Medium Revised and Expanded.The Angel of Faith can be called upon with whatever words that suit you. If you make this a daily practice, the rhythm will help you transition the habit into full-blown conviction. Tell the Angel of Faith you are finally ready. We all have a spark of faith deep within us. You can ask the Angel ...
Read this postTrouble sleeping can sometimes be as simple as a racing mind that’s trying to solve a problem, stress, or worry in your life. We don’t need to stress ourselves out over a bad night or two. When sleeping problems become chronic, that’s when there’s more going on. Neurotransmitter chemicals are one critical part of being able to sleep. Electricity is running through every neuron as we’re sleeping. If ...
Read this postOur brains rely on trace minerals. These good metals include beneficial, non-industrialized forms of gold, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, chromium, palladium, vanadium, and more. Trace minerals are life-giving peacekeepers in the brain. They contain information that comes from life sources of the planet and also life forces outside the planet, from the solar system and galaxy. These minerals...
Read this postOne person’s depersonalization could be much different from someone else’s. It’s a large gray area bordering the threshold of depression and anxiety. The classic variety of depersonalization is the inability to feel emotionally. You’re completely numb, nothing excites you, nothing gets you upset, nothing matters, nothing interests you, and you feel like you’re not inside your body and you don’t exis...
Read this postUnexplained cases of fear and worry are often due to a past experience that’s been triggered without us knowing—because in times of pain, our brains put up healthy, productive emotional walls to help us cope. These are boundaries that we’re not meant to knock down; these walls allow us to get through our days without being constantly reminded of what’s happened to us. Unresolved experiences remain r...
Read this postRestless legs can come from two places. First is the shingles virus releasing neurotoxins that affect the lower spine, inflaming nerves there. This is one of the undiscovered mysteries of restless legs. The neurotoxins produced by the shingles virus sitting inside the liver can settle in different places in the body depending on what those neurotoxins are filled with. Higher amounts of lead and copp...
Read this postADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) ADHD is not genetic or gut related. Neither of these popular explanations addresses the true underlying cause of attentional, focus, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or even executive function or self-regulation issues. What really causes ADHD is mercury and aluminum settling in the brain’s cerebral midline canal, which divides the brain’s left hemisphere f...
Read this postPOTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)The cause of these mystery symptoms is byproducts and toxins built up in a stagnant, sluggish liver being released and collecting around heart valves. POTS symptoms go way beyond problems with getting up, leaning forward, and leaning down—because POTS is a viral neurotoxin disorder.One reason POTS is so difficult is that it’s a chronic Epstein-Barr vir...
Read this postUnfortunately, so many foods, beverages, and supplements are contaminated with MSG. “Natural flavors” is the new label to hide MSG and other chemicals that are not good for us. Anything with “flavor” or “flavoring” in the ingredient list is a red flag: “berry flavor,” “lemon flavor,” “vanilla flavor,” “chocolate flavor,” “strawberry flavor,” “chicken flavor”—even if the label says the flavorings are...
Read this postAcute or chronic, long-term bacterial infections inside the gallbladder usually occur from food-borne bacteria from contaminated foods or food poisoning or one or more strains from the over 50 groups of Streptococcus bacteria. Strep can enter the gallbladder and, over time, weaken its lining, creating scar tissue. In time, the strep finds its opportunity for a gallbladder infection, causing it to be...
Read this postThere is a category of angels to reach out to in this challenging and fast-paced time on the planet called the Quickening—an army of angels. These angels don’t have names; they’re referred to as the Unknown Angels. They are here for you when you feel embattled in any form of spiritual war, either within yourself or with outside forces. The Unknown Angels want you to ask for their help. There ar...
Read this postThere’s a special group of angels called the Life-Changing Angels who support us via our food supply. They are the reason the foods I discuss in Life-Changing Foods are life-changing.In some cases, the Life-Changing Angels’ job is to spread awareness. For example, these angels are the reason the organic and integrated pest management (IPM) movements have taken off. There’s also a massive group of th...
Read this postThere are over 50 groups of streptococcus bacteria, each with multiple strains of the bacteria that cause symptoms and conditions, including: Acne UTIs Pneumonia Interstitial cystitis Chronic allergies Chronic sinusitis Intestinal disorders SIBO Otitis media Sties Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Prostatitis Sore throats Headaches & migraines ...
Read this postYour heart draws blood directly from your liver. When the liver is in good working order, it’s like sipping water through a straw. When the liver is stagnant, sluggish, hot, fatty, or toxic, it becomes a clogged, dirty filter. As a result it becomes inflamed and constricted, so it can’t process blood well, nor can blood travel through the liver as easily as it should. It makes the blood dirtier and ...
Read this postWhen you’re considering which supplements to take for your chronic illness, symptom, or condition, there are four baseline supplements that are a great place to start. These supplements are:Vitamin B12 with adenosylcobalamin & methylcobalamin Crosses blood-brain barrier in order to support central nervous system (brain)
Read this postMedical communities don’t know that strains of the shingles virus are responsible for almost all cases of colitis, which is a condition that causes severe inflammation and bleeding in the inner lining of the colon. Colitis symptoms include intestinal pain, blood in the stool, weakness, and weight loss. Medical research and science don’t yet know that there isn’t merely one type of shingles vir...
Read this postIf not from a lack of sleep, dark circles or even sunken eyes for weeks or months mean there’s a hidden problem: a liver problem. It’s true for children, too. This symptom has everything to do with a toxic, dehydrated liver creating toxic, dirty blood. Where the skin is thin under the eyes, it gets dark because the blood flowing through is lacking oxygen and filled with poisons, both from present-da...
Read this postWhile we think of infants as beginning life with a clean slate, the truth is that a developing baby’s liver takes on the past. In utero, and even at the moment we were conceived, we inherited liver troublemakers from our parents, their parents before them, and so on down the family line. Any poison or pathogen that an ancestor has carried can end up in our livers before we’re born. Exposure to merc...
Read this postThe aches, pains, tenderness, fatigue, and stiffness of fibromyalgia are a result of Stage Four Epstein Barr’s neurotoxins creating chronic inflammation of both the central nervous system and nerves throughout the body. This can result in mild cracks, tears, and exposed root hairs that create sensitive spots on the nerves. Some aggressive varieties of EBV go so far as to bind onto these weak points,...
Read this postBloating is most commonly caused by a diet too high in fat/protein (whether unhealthy or healthy fats) causing liver burnout. When an overworked liver must constantly overproduce bile to accommodate a chronic, long-term high-fat/high-protein diet, the stomach must in turn produce more hydrochloric acid to compensate for the reduction in bile reserves over time. Eventually, this causes the stomach g...
Read this postMedical research and science don’t yet know that there isn’t merely one type of shingles virus, but 31 varieties and counting. This matters because different types of shingles cause different symptoms. It also matters because medical communities don’t even recognize the majority of shingles cases as being the result of a virus. Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by a non-rashing shingles strain. Toxic h...
Read this postWhen inflammation is mysterious and not the result of a physical injury, the hidden cause is a pathogen such as a virus feeding on both toxic heavy metals (such as mercury, aluminum, and copper) and troublemaker foods (such as eggs, gluten, and dairy products) and as a result, producing chemical compounds called neurotoxins and dermatoxins that raise inflammation levels throughout the body. A high-f...
Read this postDirty blood syndrome is caused by a lack of proper daily hydration from the right liquids (such as lemon or lime water, fresh juices, and coconut water), combined with a diet too high in fat/protein over the years and a toxic, stagnant, sluggish liver (from pathogens and toxins) leading to chronic dehydration that causes blood to thicken. Almost everyone on the planet is mildly to chronically dehydr...
Read this postInfertility is a sign of our times. Women and men alike are up against so much in our current era, from stress to pollutants to pathogens. Individuals with infertility issues experience them for varied reasons. It could be one of the over 60 varieties of Epstein-Barr affecting the reproductive system and causing mystery infertility. EBV in the reproductive system causing cysts, fibroids, inconsisten...
Read this postA sluggish liver develops over time from a diet too high in fat/protein for too long, coupled with a liver overburdened by toxins such as pesticides and herbicides; toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and copper; plastics and other petrochemical byproducts; old pharmaceuticals; chronic, low-grade viral and bacterial infections; and cologne, perfume, air fresheners, and scented candles. Exc...
Read this postPudendal nerves get inflamed by bugs such as Epstein-Barr, Shingles and Herpes Simplex 2 clinging onto the nerve or feeding off of toxic heavy metals or chemicals causing: Lower Abdomen Pain Groin Pain Need to Urinate Frequently Burning Pain in Groin Vaginal Pain Bladder Pain Twitching and Spasms around Bladder Itching and Pain in Genital Area Vibrating and Trem...
Read this postThe information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.