Medical Medium Blog - Health Articles


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Most Popular Health Articles:

Foods That Heal The Liver

Every single person today has a liver that needs proper care. Your liver plays a fundamental and critical role in your health and in what your health will look like in 20 years, even if you don’t suffer with any symptoms or illnesses right now or you’ve been told your liver is in good working order. There’s more to understand about your what’s really happening inside the live...

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10 Health Benefits of Celery Juice

1. Critical for chronic acid reflux Acid reflux means 3 things are happening: low hydrochloric acid production, unproductive bacteria such as strep and e. Coli & a weakened liver. Celery juice helps improve these. 2. Fights autoimmune disease Pathogens are the true cause of the inflammation that’s mistakenly considered autoimmune. Celery juice’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts can break down & ...

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Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse

Your body has such an incredible power to heal—it just needs your assistance to make that possible. The Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse I shared in my book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal is a potent way to use food to support and begin healing your entire body, including the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, cardiovascular syst...

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12 Reasons To Drink Celery Juice

1. Lowers Inflammation Celery juice starves the unproductive bacteria and viruses that are behind inflammation. 2. Supports Weight Loss Celery juice helps to clean up and detoxify the liver and a sluggish, toxic liver is behind mystery weight gain. 3. Aids Digestion Celery juice restores hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach for better long-term digestion. 4. Reduces Bloating Celery juice ...

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How To Make Celery Juice

Plain, fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful healing juices available to us. This clean, green drink is the very best way to start your day. Make this juice a part of your daily routine, and soon you won’t want to go a day without it! Ingredients: 1 bunch of celery Directions: Rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. Drink immediately for best results. Alternatively, you can...

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Unknown Cause of Weight Gain

Millions of Americans are struggling with weight gain and yet what’s really behind this pervasive issue is still unknown in conventional medical and alternative health communities. Almost exclusively, you’ll hear weight gain blamed on slow metabolism, overeating, too many carbohydrates, or a lack of exercise. These are common theories but they’re just that: theories. They aren&rsqu...

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PANDAS, Jaundice, & Baby Liver

Watching your children suffer from various illnesses and symptoms is heartbreaking. What’s even more difficult is not getting the answers you need to help your child heal. There are many health conditions that infants and small children suffer with that remain a mystery to medical science and research, including acid reflux and conditions like jaundice and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric...

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Understanding Brain Fog

Brain fog is currently a mystery to medical science and research. Its true cause is not known and in many cases it is often misdiagnosed, leaving patients without the information they need to heal. Thankfully, you can now know what really causes brain fog in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Iss...

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Gallbladder, Weight, & Gut Issues

Gut, weight and gallbladder issues are extremely common today and often someone can be suffering from problems in all three of these areas. There’s a reason for this: these health issues are all rooted in the liver. Surprised? You may have heard many different theories about the cause of gut, gallbladder and weight problems, but it’s unlikely you’ve ever heard the liver implicated....

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Do You Have A Fatty Liver?

If you’re thinking you probably don’t have a fatty liver, you might be surprised. The majority of people in this country have at least some degree of pre-fatty liver, if not a fatty liver. The liver may be in a condition that’s too early to diagnose, but it’s not too early for it to start having a negative effect on your health. When the liver starts getting fatty, it allows ...

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Healing Bloating

Why do we bloat? Everyone has experienced bloating at some stage, or if they haven’t yet, it’s very likely they will in the future. And yet despite it being so prevalent, medical science and research know very little about what is really behind bloating. Even the trendiest diets today don’t have accurate answers for bloating. Many of those diets blame lectins, but lectins are not t...

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Healing Eczema, Psoriasis, & Acne

If you deal with eczema, psoriasis, acne or other skin problems, you know how frustrating and debilitating these conditions can be and how difficult it can be to find solutions. One big reason these skin conditions are so tricky is that there are actually more than 100 varieties of eczema and psoriasis, though the medical world doesn’t know this yet. And the truth is, many other skin conditio...

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Healing Vitiligo

If you’ve been diagnosed with vitiligo, you have most likely been told you have an autoimmune disorder and that not much can be done to heal it. According to this theory, your body is destroying its melanin-producing cells, responsible for the pigment of your skin. But this is exactly that: a theory. It’s not the truth and it’s not why you or someone you know has vitiligo. The enti...

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Heal Your Liver 101

When it comes to chronic illness and symptoms, it’s essential to work on healing your liver. It’s heartbreaking how many people today are getting sick, and they’re trying so many things but they just aren’t getting better. Unfortunately, both medical and alternative health communities are unaware of the true causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms and how central the health ...

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Liver Myths Debunked

If you’ve ever researched different ways to heal symptoms or illnesses, tried various diets or health programs, looked for ways to lose weight or detox, or sought guidance from one or more health practitioners, you will know that there’s a seemingly endless supply of information and health trends out there. Not only is this wealth of information confusing to wade through, unfortunately m...

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Are You Always Hungry?

Just like weight gain, mystery hunger is an issue that is often treated unkindly. But regardless of what someone might have said to you, there is nothing wrong with you as a person. It is not gluttony, it is not a character defect. There is a real reason why you are experiencing insatiable hunger. Different doctors have brought different theories to the table to explain away this condition, includin...

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Liver's Immune System

The liver is such a complex and heroic organ, and it has an amazing feature—its very own personalized immune system—which helps fend off illness and protect your health. The liver actually has six unique immune functions with six different kinds of immune cells.  It’s unbelievable how much we rely on our livers and how much the health of our liver influences whether we experi...

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Is Your Blood Toxic?

Most of us are unaware of the amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. From solvents and petrochemicals found in detergents to excess adrenaline our body has to deal with at times of stress and so many more, these toxins pollute our bloodstream. And then there’s the pathogens that all of us are carrying such as viruses like Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, herpes simplex, and HHV6, an...

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Epidemic of Sluggish Liver

We are dealing with an epidemic of sluggish liver today. Nine out of ten people, children included, have a sluggish liver without being aware of it. It might surprise you, but a sluggish liver is at the root of countless symptoms and conditions, including skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne; weight gain; type 2 diabetes; chemical and food sensitivities; seasonal affective disor...

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Truth About Protein

There are currently millions of Americans being diagnosed with chronic illnesses and conditions that conventional medicine still does not understand. Many others never receive any kind of diagnosis but are still suffering with all kinds of symptoms. While medical science and research have done amazing things in the area of surgery—being able to remove an appendix, for example, or perform a lif...

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Healing Power of Wild Berries

I have been a fan of wild berries since I enjoyed picking them as a child in Maine with Spirit telling me about their undiscovered healing properties and which ones I could eat safely and which to avoid. Fortunately, you do not have to live out in the country or near the woods to have access to wild berries today. It’s quite likely that your local supermarket sells frozen wild blueberries, whi...

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True Cause of Fibroids

Fibroids are growths in the uterus that can be like smooth pieces of muscle. They can be the size of an egg or even the size of a small grapefruit. Fibroids can be incredibly disruptive and difficult to deal with, even causing bleeding and extreme discomfort. In most cases, doctors recommend surgery when a woman comes in with a fibroid, and in many, surgery is presented as the only option because of...

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True Cause of Asthma

If you are reading this, chances are that you or someone you love is one of the many people plagued by asthma. No matter what age asthma hits—whether you are facing adult-onset asthma or caring for a young person with childhood asthma—living with asthma can be a constant struggle. After all, the quality of our breathing affects our quality of life in more ways than one. The good news? You can heal f...

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Truth About Lectins

If you are struggling with a mystery illness that doctors have been unable to give answers for or you’ve spent time searching for answers to your health symptoms online, you may have come across the rumor that lectins in fruits and vegetables are behind your symptoms. This theory is just that—a theory. It is not true and this false information is contributing to people becoming more conf...

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Epstein-Barr Virus

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has created a secret epidemic. Out of the roughly 320 million people in the U.S., over 225 million Americans have some form of EBV. Epstein-Barr is responsible for mystery illnesses of every category: For some people, it creates fatigue and pain that go unnamed. For others, EBV symptoms prompt doctors to prescribe ineffective treatments, such as hormone replacement. And...

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Healing Artichokes

With all the superfood talk we have today, artichokes should be right there in the top 10 list. Artichokes are one of the most abundant sources of nutrition, filled with phytochemicals such as lutein and isothiocyanates; vitamins such as A, E, and K; amino acids; and enzymes. They are B12-enhancing stars, wonderful for bringing balance to the gut.  Artichokes are also dense with minerals such ...

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Crohn's, Colitis, & IBS

If you have ever struggled with a condition like Crohn’s, colitis, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you have likely suffered a tremendous deal. Not only are these conditions painful, they can take away part of your life at times because it feels as if you have to structure your day around bathroom breaks, bouts of pain, abdominal discomfort and bloating which may have affected your sleep, an...

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Bipolar Disorder

It might come as a surprise to you that there are no two kinds of bipolar disorder that are the same. The same is true for anxiety and depression. Each person experiences symptoms differently, which makes it that much harder to understand. In truth, this disorder is so difficult to understand that its name is not really appropriate at all, especially if you understand the true cause of all the sympt...

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Fruit Fear

Throughout the centuries, fruit has been known to be one of the most healing foods available to us on this planet. In the past couple of decades, however, you may have noticed a shift in our perception of bananas, apples, melons, and mangoes. Many people have begun to fear fruit so much so that they avoid it altogether. This incredible deviation from our historical worship of fruit is due to the lie...

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Acid Reflux

Many people experience acid reflux or heartburn throughout their lives and don’t understand why they feel the burning sensation reach up through their chest and into their throat. Medical communities blame acid reflux on gastric acid and hydrochloric acid backing up into the esophagus. However, this theory of the cause is unfounded and limited in its understanding as I’ll explain in this article. Th...

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Healing Power of Cherries

In this day and age, our livers are more burdened than ever before in history. With toxins in our environment and foods that stress our bodies, sluggish and fatty livers are becoming rampant. While certain liver-cleansing techniques have become trendy, a handful of cherries can do so much more. Cherries are an amazing way to revitalize this organ; they’re the ultimate liver tonic, cleanser, an...

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Miraculous Leafy Greens

When we hear the advice, “Eat your veggies,” we often think of classic dinnertime side dishes like carrots, broccoli, peas, and green beans. Leafy greens, on the other hand, are often written off as boring and lesser—the base of a salad in which all the other ingredients are much more interesting. Really, leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, mâche, and watercre...

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Soul's Gold

Since gold was discovered, it has had a magnetic pull on us, one that goes far beyond any monetary worth. As a child, did you ever wish for a gold star on your paper at school? It wasn’t because you could take it to the pawn shop and get cash for it. You yearned for that cheap sticker because of what it represented: achievement, worthiness, approval. If you have a grandmother’s favorit...

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Healing Power of Cucumbers

So many people go through life with chronic dehydration, with no idea of the negative effect it’s having on their health. Cucumbers are the perfect antidote. They have a fountain-of-youth effect, hydrating us at the deepest cellular level possible. Plus, cucumbers’ cooling effect makes them excellent at rejuvenation and especially effective at cooling a hot, stagnant liver. When eaten on...

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Healing Acid Reflux

Many people experience acid reflux or heartburn throughout their lives and don’t understand why they feel the burning sensation reach up through their chest and into their throat. Medical professionals blame acid reflux on gastric acid and hydrochloric acid backing up into the esophagus. However, this theory of the cause is unfounded and limited in its understanding as I’ll explain in this article. ...

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Hidden Toxic Exposures That Make Us Sick - Many of the toxins inside of us that can cause illness, symptoms, and conditions come from hidden sources–toxins that we often aren’t even aware we are being exposed to or that cause more harm than we understand. Some of the most problematic hidden toxic exposures come from: Mercury Air Fresheners Scented C...
Addiction - There are physical causes behind addiction that medical research and science are unaware of. For one, a deficiency of glycogen and mineral salts in the brain from a lack of glucose entering the brain (from fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, raw honey, coconut water), partly due to years of high-fat/high-protein ...
Depression - Depression can be caused by obvious identifiable events, such as traumatic loss, traumatic stress, and emotional injury. These traumas can create a lasting neurotransmitter deficiency, leading to depression that sometimes continues past the time of hardship. In other cases, we can point to identifiable daily challenges as the s...
Chronic Dehydration - The majority of people are living with low-grade chronic dehydration without even realizing it. Dehydration isn’t just about the last day or week or month of your life. It can be a chronic issue, and many babies are even born already dehydrated. Both children and adults are chronically dehydrated. In addition to being bo...
Acne - When acne is present, it means that the liver and lymphatic system are harboring a chronic, low-grade level of Streptococcus–it can be one or more strains from the over 50 groups of Streptococcus bacteria. Acne develops when strep has made a long-term home inside the body after (sometimes long after) a strep-related infection. ...
Vitiligo - Vitiligo is a viral condition—not a genetic condition or the body attacking itself. Dermatoxins injure the cells that produce skin pigment, which are hypersensitive to these poisons. These dermatoxins come from a pathogen, HHV-6 or occasionally an EBV variety, sitting inside the liver feeding on high amounts of the toxic heavy ...
Physical Injuries That Won’t Heal - If an injury that seems like it should have gotten better a long time ago is still causing you pain and suffering, it may feel very disheartening if doctors can’t determine why you’re not feeling better and loved ones can’t understand why you’re not back to your old self. Take heart, there are real explanations for your continu...
Lemon Water - Lemon water is the perfect way to hydrate, purify, and revitalize your body each morning. Water coming straight from the tap or a bottle has lost its vitality and its innate living structure. By adding fresh squeezed lemon juice, you “wake up” the water and bring it back to life. This allows it to travel more deeply into your t...
Fibroids - Fibroids are growths in the uterus that can be like smooth pieces of muscle. They can be the size of an egg or even the size of a small grapefruit. Fibroids can be incredibly disruptive and difficult to deal with, even causing bleeding and extreme discomfort. As with most chronic illnesses, medical communities don’t yet...
Healing Benefits of Cranberries - Cranberries are well known for their profound antiseptic role in healing urinary tract infections and yeast infections. That power comes from cranberries’ ability to fight Streptococcus bacteria—because most of the time, chronic strep infections are behind these conditions. (Even though in yeast infections, the origin of the pr...
Sage: Fungus Fighter - This herb’s nature is geared toward fighting fungus. Consuming sage is wonderful for healing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and jock itch from the inside out, as well as tackling mutant strains of fungus in the intestinal tract. If you’ve been exposed to toxic mold, turn to sage to help detoxify. Also, sage he...
Cauliflower: Endocrine Support - Cauliflower contains the trace mineral boron, which helps the endocrine system. And yet cauliflower gets more attention for the so-called goitrogens it contains. Cauliflower does the very opposite of what the hype says—it helps the thyroid and the rest of the endocrine system (including the hypothalamus and adrenal glands) to s...
EBV Stages of Infection - Epstein-Barr virus is responsible for symptoms, conditions, diseases, disorders, and illnesses of every kind. Medical research and science are unaware of how many symptoms and conditions EBV causes. They’re also unaware that the virus goes through multiple stages: Stage 1 If you catch EBV, it goe...
Nature Therapy - In the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium Revised & Expanded: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How To Finally Heal, I share a collection of some of powerful nature-based meditations. Ideally, we would all have fully intact souls. Over th...
Eczema & Psoriasis - Eczema and psoriasis occur due to a pathogen—usually EBV—in the liver that’s feeding off of high levels of the toxic heavy metals copper and mercury that are there. There’s usually also old DDT and other pesticides in the liver also, which are high in copper. For eczema it is half copper and half mercury; for psoriasis it is th...

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