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Video: Why 16oz Of Celery Juice Matters For Your Health

Why 16oz Of Celery Juice Matters For Your Health

Why 16oz Of Celery Juice Matters For Your Health

You have likely heard me talk about this powerful plant medicine before, so you probably know that when I recommend celery juice, I always recommend that you drink at least 16 ounces. Why that number? And why celery juice over raw celery sticks? Today we are going to dive into the answers to these questions by uncovering how celery juice travels through the body, what it encounters along the way, and why this herbal extract is just so important. I will cover the basics here, but my new book Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, is a resource for more advanced information on the benefits of celery juice that you won’t find anywhere else.

The Bottom Line

Celery juice is a powerful weapon against chronic illness, and no matter which diet you subscribe to—high-protein, high-fat, animal based, plant based—celery juice applies. Even if you follow the standard American diet and you are eating bagels and sandwiches on the run, adding celery juice on an empty stomach each morning can make a huge difference.

Beware of misinformation about celery juice, however. It is not true, for example, that celery juice contains sugar. Neither is it high in calories. In fact, celery juice is very low in calories and that’s why I recommend eating breakfast, like one of the breakfast recipes I include in the Medical Medium books, 30 minutes or more after your celery juice. It’s not a meal replacement but a medicine before you eat breakfast.

So why is it important to drink celery juice on an empty stomach? If your stomach is full of food, the celery juice you drink becomes diluted while battling all that food in your stomach. On an empty stomach, however, celery juice has a pathway to do the cleansing work it’s capable of. Even eating and drinking celery juice at the same time limits its chances of traveling through the body effectively. It’s also important to drink celery juice away from other liquids, including water. It’s ideal to have celery juice 30 minutes after drinking water or lemon water in the morning, or to have celery juice before water if you wish and then wait 30 minutes to drink your celery juice. There’s additional guidance than what I am sharing here that can help you get the best out of your celery juice and really make sure it works for you. It’s important to be informed so you don’t fall into any of the misinformation out there which is altering celery juice and preventing it from being a true healing tool for anyone who needs it or wants to use it. You can read Medical Medium Celery Juice to know exactly how to drink celery juice and get all your questions answered.

16 Ounces Matters

Your most recent meal isn’t the only obstacle that celery juice faces as it travels through the body. We all have a buildup of toxins and bacteria that we have accumulated from eating toxic foods over time (as well as from other sources). Many times this couldn’t have been helped if we didn’t have access to healthier food options, or no one taught us how to eat differently. So much of the time, people are just eating to survive or eating what’s considered normal or convenient, and, culturally, many of us have been conditioned into eating and living a certain way. But the fact of the matter is, toxins are polluting our bodies—our livers, brains, and circulatory systems.

When you see or hear me recommend at least 16 ounces of celery juice, this is because two or four ounces just isn’t enough to cleanse our bodies of those toxins. It’s a good place to start if you are just beginning to incorporate celery juice into your diet, but building up to 16 ounces over time is important.

Obstacle Course

When celery juice travels through the body, the first thing it passes through is the mouth, where there are countless bacteria, even after brushing your teeth. Because celery juice is anti-bacterial, it starts fighting these bacteria. Celery juice contains undiscovered sodium cluster salts that fight staph, strep, and other varieties of bacteria and acids that live in the mouth. They strip bacteria of its membranes and neutralize acids before traveling onto the esophagus. Table salt, sea salt, or pink Himalayan salt won’t have the same effect. Not all salts are created equal. The sodium subgroup in celery juice is special and offers unique healing and detoxifying benefits. Our esophagi have different levels of ammonia deposits, as well as other bacteria and acids that have been sitting in the esophagus for years. Again, celery juice works on these to clear your esophagus of toxins.

As celery juice travels to the stomach, it encounters more ammonia, toxic acids, and bacteria like H. pylori. Debris from years of poor eating habits builds up on a ledge right before the duodenum, collecting undigested proteins and fats and stretching the stomach. This sludge, as I like to call it, sits on that ledge year after year. As I share in Medical Medium Celery Juice, celery juice has the ability to neutralize all of that as it passes through the body. This doesn’t happen in just one day, though, which means that it’s not only about drinking enough celery juice (16 ounces), but also about drinking celery juice consistently. The stomach is yet another part of the body where the sodium cluster salts eat away at that sludge. Added to that, there are glands in the stomach that produce gastric acid and hydrochloric acid, both essential to good digestion. Celery juice not only cleanses the stomach but also rejuvenates tired gastric glands—another reason you need more than just four or six ounces.

Once in the duodenum, the sodium cluster salts and other healing properties celery juice offers work toward balancing your pH levels. Balancing your pH matters because everyone is dealing with some acidity, and it’s important to do what you can to bring your body back to a healthy alkaline state. What’s more, there are bacteria in the duodenum such as E.coli, strep, and staph, plus fungus and a host of other invaders that medical research and science have yet to discover. We have good bacteria, too, but what research and science also doesn’t know is that celery juice feeds good bacteria. It is better than any prebiotic on the market. And, when the undiscovered sodium cluster salts in celery juice destroy bad bacteria, the dead bad bacteria also become food for good bacteria.

The Small Intestine

When your 16 ounces of celery juice finally makes it to the intestinal tract there is still so much work to be done. In the small intestine, it will encounter a thick lining of mucus containing more bottom feeders like strep and E.coli, as well as hardened and rancid fats that have built up over the years. These fats often can’t be broken up because of the weakened bile reserves and sluggish livers almost everyone today is dealing with. Foods that are not digested properly leave behind fats and proteins that stick to the sides of our intestinal walls. These reserves harbor disease-causing pathogens that may not affect you when you are 22 or 25 years old, but could really cause health problems for you as you start to get older. You can read Medical Medium Celery Juice to understand just how many symptoms and conditions—that are often labeled autoimmune, genetic or simply misunderstood—are caused by pathogens. Celery juice slowly dismantles this buildup.

Throughout our body we also have excess amounts of adrenaline, whether from stress, fear, constantly juggling the to-do list, or even too much strenuous exercise. This adrenaline is toxic to the liver and the brain. Celery juice fights off this adrenaline within the intestinal tract by binding to it and carrying it out of the body. When celery juice passes through the intestinal tract it then has to find its way to the bloodstream in order to get to your organs—think liver, brain, and gallbladder.

The nutrients in celery juice reach the liver through the hepatic portal vein. It is important to note here that almost everyone has liver issues. Even if you are just experiencing one small symptom, it still can be traced back to the liver. Celery juice has to cleanse the liver of pesticides and toxic heavy metals like cadmium, nickel, and copper, as well as the bacteria and viruses that feed off of them, and perform all of its other undiscovered functions, which I address in detail in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease. If you are drinking under 16 ounces, your celery juice just won’t reach all of these areas of the body where there is a buildup of bacteria, viruses and other troublemakers.

Celery juice is also helpful for gallstones and gallbladder health overall. I share what causes gallstones and what impacts gallbladder health in detail in Medical Medium Celery Juice. The sodium cluster salts in celery juice help by restoring bile production, and as bile production increases, it works on breaking down old, rancid fats and proteins and killing off bacteria and viruses that pollute the gallbladder. If it is not cleansed of gallstones and bacteria for starters, the gallbladder can start weighing more and more, putting pressure on other organs and causing additional symptoms.

Apart from traveling via the hepatic portal highway, celery juice also dissolves through the intestinal tract lining to reach the bloodstream and move to the brain. Once there, sodium cluster salts help alleviate brain fog and improve focus. This has an impact on both your emotional and mental health. The reason for this is that sodium cluster salts are essentially complete electrolytes that bring neurotransmitter chemicals back to life. The result is improved focus, clarity, concentration, the neutralization of toxic heavy metals that cause or contribute to a huge number of neurological and other health issues, and the removal of toxins.

This is just some of the ways celery juice works in the body and some of the places it goes to. For a full explanation, it’s important to read Medical Medium Celery Juice.

Important Guidance for Drinking Celery Juice

How you drink your celery juice matters as it will have a direct impact on how effective it is as an herbal medicine to help you and your loved ones with your health. When you are drinking your celery juice, don’t mix anything with it. This includes lemon juice! It’s important to drink it plain. Collagen and apple cider vinegar don’t belong in your celery juice either. These are trends that people are pushing to make money. When these other elements are added to celery juice, they actually prevent celery juice from working properly. What you want is the pure herbal tonic.

You also don’t want the fiber in your celery juice Celery sticks are not the same as drinking celery juice without the fiber. There is nothing wrong with celery sticks—you can add them to your salads or your smoothies, but the medicine to fight against lupus, fibromyalgia, vertigo, hyperthyroidism, weight gain, tingles, numbness, psoriasis, vitiligo, brain fog, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, acid reflux, and bloating, to name a few, comes when you drink juiced celery.

Another tip that can help is if you had a high fat dinner—perhaps chicken, soy, nuts and seeds, fried foods, or dessert—you can increase your celery juice intake the next day to help tackle that extra fat in the bloodstream. As soon as you take your first sip of celery juice, you are changing your body chemistry. At this point you might be wondering if 16 ounces is even enough. Perhaps 24 ounces sounds better. I often drink 32 ounces, but what is important to do the best you can and aim to have it daily as much as possible. If you are struggling with the flavor of celery juice, build up your intake slowly. If you need a break one day, take a break and come back to it the next day. Over time your taste buds will adjust and as more toxins are eliminated from your body, the taste of celery juice may become more pleasant to you. I’m so proud of you for doing the work to make and drink your celery juice.

Celery juice can help you strengthen whatever dietary and health practices you are committed to. Freshly juiced celery is best, but if you are buying celery juice at the store, watch out for HPP in pre-bottled juices. This allows them a longer shelf life, but they can’t do a fraction of what fresh celery juice can do. For many more of these tips, check out Medical Medium Celery Juice. I have made it thorough and comprehensive so your questions are answered and you know exactly what’s behind so many symptoms and conditions and how celery juice can help you. Please take this advanced medical information and use it. Celery juice is a preventative tool. The idea is to heal and to move forward, to get yourself and your loved ones better. Celery juice is here for you and anyone who has a symptom or condition or wants to take care of their health for the future.

Learn more about the healing powers of celery juice in my Celery Juice 101 blog post or order my books Medical Medium Celery JuiceCleanse To HealLife-Changing FoodsThyroid Healing, & Liver Rescue.

My favorite juicer for celery juice is the MM900HDS Omega Low Speed Masticating Celery Juicer - specially designed to extract as much juice as possible from celery - more than any other device.

Find out more...

This item posted: 12-May-2019

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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