Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: What Are The Food Wars?

What Are The Food Wars?

What Are The Food Wars?

"When it comes to information about food, there’s a lot of fluff out there. We could even call it smog. That smog is designed to keep people occupied and to obscure the truth—and the food wars are part of that smog."

There are food wars that are raging in our culture today that can distract and deter you from healing. I share the truth about these food wars in Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal. To truly recover from chronic symptoms, conditions, and illnesses, you have to know what's really behind them, along with the steps needed to heal the root causes. These are the fundamental truths you need for healing. The food wars only get in the way of your opportunity to heal. 

As I share in Cleanse to Heal, "By “food wars” I mean arguments between opposed food belief systems. You know the type I mean: the claims that this way of eating is better or even morally superior, while that way of eating is silly or ignorant, all of it rooted in guesswork and ideology, not truth. These battles often get in the way of conversations about cleansing. If we’re kept busy with resentment toward another group, if we’re distracted standing up for our own philosophy while trying to discredit the other side, we’ll miss out on what’s really happening inside the body, and we’ll never take the time to seek out answers.

The most vocal in the food wars are the people who feel the least sick. They’re the ones who have the stamina to fight about plant versus animal protein and whole grain versus grain free and removing fruit or allowing only low-glycemic fruit—and have the stamina to attack anyone who doesn’t fall into their own belief system. In support of their claims, they tend to spout scientific research studies paid for by sources with vested interests in the outcomes, because they are out of touch with the person who’s been to 20 doctors and is still lying in bed with no answers about why they’re sick. Perhaps they’ve experienced small inconsistencies with their health—they’ve had a little less energy here or there, faced mild acne or eczema, dealt with drawn-out rebound times from workouts, maybe had a cold or cough that stuck around a little too long, or dealt with bloating or a minor digestive issue, so they had to go on a round of antibiotics, any of which can get someone thinking about eating better. Somewhere along the way in their diet research process, they became staunch supporters of a belief system, enough to take up the cause and attack the other side.

Meanwhile, all sides in the food wars are still sick. What the arguments ignore is that millions are still struggling, whether from thyroid disorders, ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), eczema, psoriasis, acne, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, crippling anxiety or depression, or any of hundreds of other diagnoses or non-diagnoses. Just like in any war on this planet, the smog of battle distracts from the suffering of those who don’t have the strength to fight."

In Cleanse to Heal, I then share critical truths that will help you heal and stay above the sea of confusion and misinformation that could hold you back from healing. 

  • Balanced diet
  • Moderation
  • Food combining
  • Food cravings
  • Bulking and cutting
  • Intuitive eating
  • Animal versus plant protein
  • Peer pressure and discouragement about your diet from others
  • And more

I am sharing this information with you here and more in Cleanse to Heal to help protect you and equip you with the knowledge and wisdom that will enable you to make the best decisions for your health and the health of your family and loved ones.

Cleanse to Heal provides you with the true causes of almost 200 symptoms and conditions, including acne, bloating, weight gain, thyroid problems, insomnia, lupus, MS, eczema, psoriasis, PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, tumors, migraines, and many more. I also provide detailed guidance on how you can heal. As I share in Cleanse To Heal, "Spirit of Compassion has always said to me throughout the years of helping so many people heal that knowing the true cause of why you’re sick is half the battle won. Knowing what to do, what to take, and how to apply those tools is the other half the battle won.”

This item posted: 28-Jun-2020

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