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Video: True Cause of Fibroids

True Cause of Fibroids

True Cause of Fibroids

Fibroids are growths in the uterus that can be like smooth pieces of muscle. They can be the size of an egg or even the size of a small grapefruit. Fibroids can be incredibly disruptive and difficult to deal with, even causing bleeding and extreme discomfort. In most cases, doctors recommend surgery when a woman comes in with a fibroid, and in many, surgery is presented as the only option because of the large size of many fibroids. 

As with most chronic illnesses, medical communities don’t yet know the true cause of fibroids. There is only speculation and theory about why women sometimes get these growths in their reproductive systems. And, as with most chronic illnesses, the medical industry has convinced millions of women that their fibroids are related to their genes. In reality, fibroids have nothing to do with genes and are not hereditary at all. Science and research sometimes suggests that fibroids could be caused by estrogen, progesterone, or even too much red meat or alcohol. While some of these things may be connected to fibroids, they are not the true cause.

Fibroids are Caused by a Virus

The true cause of fibroids is a virus called Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV.) I have spoken about EBV at length in my books, especially Thyroid Healing, because it is the unknown root cause of a large number of health conditions and symptoms. As I brought to light in my book Medical Medium, there are over 60 varieties of EBV. Medical science and research only believe there to be one variety. If you are unfamiliar with this virus, you are likely aware of mononucleosis, which is the second stage of EBV. Oftentimes someone contracts mononucleosis as a child or when they are in their teens or 20s and then never truly eradicates the virus from their body. Because they are not given the proper tools to knock down the virus altogether and because science and research aren’t aware that EBV has multiple stages, of which mononucleosis is just stage two, EBV then continues to strengthen and proliferate, moving into further stages and causing many other illnesses and symptoms. In truth, almost everyone today has at least one variety of EBV. 

Different varieties create different health problems. It is the environment we create for the virus, the toxins we are exposed to, the stress and hardships in our lives, and the foods we eat that dictate whether it will develop into further stages. Another truth medical communities are still unaware of is that viruses actually feed. They feed on specific foods, plus toxins and heavy metals, and create more severe health conditions and symptoms as a result. I discuss many of the common triggers that strengthen EBV in my book, Thyroid Healing. Now that you know the true cause of fibroids, you can learn how to knock out this virus and bring healing to your body, 


Estrogen does play a role in creating fibroids in women’s reproductive systems. However, it is not in the way that is often explained in alternative and medical health communities. Typically women’s own hormones are blamed for creating fibroids, but in reality the estrogen found in foods or other external sources is what can truly cause harm. The harmful kinds of estrogen are in eggs, dairy, red meat, plastics, solvents, and medications. While eggs and dairy are best avoided by everyone because they directly contribute to illness (read how in Thyroid Healing), the key with red meat, plastics, solvents, and medications is to consider if there’s ways you can reduce your intake of them where possible. This harmful estrogen is the one that needs to be eliminated from the body because otherwise it builds up in the liver and in turn harms the uterus. The liver gets so clogged up with poisons, toxins, and pathogens like EBV, which I explain in detail in Liver Rescue, that it cannot do its job to protect the reproductive system from harm. The liver traps the estrogen in order to protect you; but when the liver is too overloaded with toxins, the estrogen can be released but isn’t able to leave the body properly. The estrogen then saturates the uterus and contributes to the development of fibroids.

What’s In Your Diet?

The reason we need to focus on removing certain foods and adding in other ones is because diet is critical to healing fibroids. Certain foods, like eggs and dairy especially, trigger the Epstein-Barr virus to get into the reproductive system and create growths. Unfortunately, the only foods that science and research are willing to scorn in the arena of fibroids is red meat. While red meat does play a role because it contains adrenaline and estrogen, the worst offenders are eggs and dairy, two foods sadly often promoted within medical and alternative health communities as being helpful. Doctors and health practitioners haven’t been taught that these foods actually contribute to growing fibroids rapidly and this truth is simply not widely known.

Most women are told that eggs and dairy are good for women’s health and are needed for protein and calcium. Products like yogurt and cottage cheese are proclaimed as not only good but very important for women. However, dairy and eggs are the worst thing for women’s health and should be avoided at all cost because they feed EBV, the virus that causes not only fibroids but a multitude of illnesses women often struggle with. Fibroids is directly caused by EBV, and EBV is fed by the consumption of eggs and dairy products, including the ones that are considered healthy like milk, eggs, cheese squares, and yogurt. Unfortunately, there are private panels of influencers supporting experts in the health field protecting eggs and keeping the truth from women who simply want to lead the healthiest lives they can. I have dedicated my life to getting this information into the hands of the people who need it most because there is so much misinformation out there misleading people.

Healing Foods

In addition to removing the EBV triggers, we can do something equally as powerful and just as critical: consume the foods that EBV hates. Fruit is the best thing to consume when trying to fight this virus because of the incredible antiviral properties it contains. Even though women are told misinformation about fruit being too high in sugar, do not remove fruit from your diet. You can read more and listen to my radio show on Fruit Fear and why fruit is so critical on my blog. While women are being told to eat yogurt, they should actually be encouraged to eat fruit because fruit goes hand-in-hand with the female reproductive system. Some powerful fruits you can include are apples, berries, mangoes, papayas, cherries, cranberries, and bananas. Eat banana smoothies with frozen or fresh berries, especially wild blueberries. Eat ripe mangoes for breakfast or a bowl full of grapes. Consume as much fruit as you like and experience the healing benefits of this amazing food.

Something everyone can agree on is the importance of vegetables in your diet. Eat plenty of raw leafy greens and vegetables every day. Eat salads daily and add lettuces, specifically romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, zucchini, and fennel. You can even juice fennel or steam it and put it in a soup. You can also steam vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes. Make winter squash a staple in your diet and eat plenty of asparagus. Try juicing asparagus to help your fibroids shrink. 

There are also some herbs that can be helpful in reducing fibroids. Do not underestimate the power of these simple herbs, whether taken in capsule, tincture, or tea form. The first herb to consider is raspberry leaf, which levels out the bad hormones that feed EBV. Also, nettle leaf is an amazing gift for women, especially when healing from fibroids, because of its antiviral properties. Lemon balm is another herb that EBV hates because there are phytochemicals in this herb that go directly after the virus. Also, some ashwagandha goes a long way when healing from fibroids. Consider including these herbs into your regimen in order to reduce your fibroids and experience healing. 

One Woman’s Healing Story

Several years ago I helped a woman with her fibroids. She was told by her doctors that she needed a hysterectomy, but she wanted to heal naturally so she came to me for advice. The fibroid in her uterus was the size of a grapefruit and she was experiencing a great deal of bleeding. For 30 days she radically changed her diet and consumed mostly bananas and celery. She took the herbs that I recommended and ate a diet of fruits and vegetables. Then she returned to the doctors and they searched for the fibroid and could not find it. They were utterly complexed. The fibroid was completely gone and they were stunned. When she explained to them what she did, they did not believe her. Eventually, when they spoke to me on the phone about it, they laughed when I explained to them that she got rid of the fibroid by killing off the Epstein-Barr Virus that had caused the fibroids with the right foods and herbs, and that her mononucleosis from 30 years before was an earlier stage of the same virus that caused the fibroids. They may have laughed but she was free and living her live once again without pain and fear. Many women I have worked with over the decades have had healing experiences just like this one with fibroids.

Moving Forward

If you or someone you know is experiencing fibroids, please know I am providing this information so you can take control of your health. Now that you know what is causing the fibroids, you can take the necessary steps to kill off EBV and heal your reproductive system. I often speak about the power of knowing the cause because EBV begins to weaken and your immune system begins to strengthen as soon as you know the truth. Half the battle is knowing what is wrong, and the other half is knowing what to do about it. My book Thyroid Healing would be especially helpful to help you heal from fibroids and help prevent further fibroid growth also.

This item posted: 04-Aug-2018

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