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Video: Thyroid's True Purpose

Thyroid's True Purpose

Thyroid's True Purpose

Have you ever thought about what your thyroid does for you? Medical science and research and alternative health communities all believe that the thyroid exists purely to manage metabolism and control hormones in the body. They also believe that the thyroid is responsible for producing just two hormones—thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and managing two thyroid related hormones—thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). While these hormones play a part in the thyroid’s function, there is so much more to know about this miraculous gland, which I share in detail in my book Thyroid Healing

If you’ve ever had your thyroid function tested, you likely would have had your T4 and T3 levels checked, along with your TSH. If results showed they were out of the normal range, you would have been told you have a thyroid problem and been given medication. If your test results came back in the normal range, you most likely would have been told you don’t have a thyroid problem and that something else is causing any symptoms you may be experiencing. Understandably, you might have left your doctor or health practitioner’s office feeling more confused about the state of your health than ever before. Either way, you would have left thinking you got a clear picture on the health of your thyroid. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s important to be aware that if you’ve had part or all of your thyroid gland removed or you’ve had radioactive iodine treatment, what you’re about to learn still applies to you. When part or all of your thyroid is removed, there’s still functional tissue remaining around the edges that is working hard to perform its true purpose for you, which I am about to share with you.

I wrote my book Thyroid Healing to share the truth with you about the thyroid’s unknown purpose and how the thyroid really functions. I also address in detail what is really behind today’s epidemic of thyroid problems, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, hyper or hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, hyper or hypo parathyroidism, goiters, hair loss, insomnia, heart palpitations, brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, depression, dry skin, anxiety, weight gain, weight loss, and other unexplained symptoms or illnesses. I bring to light the truth about thyroid medications, thyroid health and hormone tests, and break down some of the most harmful and misguided trends and belief systems existing today. And most importantly, I share how you and your loved ones can finally heal.

The information I am sharing with you in this article and my book Thyroid Healing is here to bring you real answers and clarity on what’s going on in your body and the most effective steps and tools you can use to heal. You can heal and the information in this article is here to help you do just that. If you’re an avid reader of health books and articles and you think you’re aware of the latest thyroid health information, you’re going to be more than surprised—maybe even shocked—at how much more there is to know. The information in this article and in Thyroid Healing is like nothing you have read or heard, and it will bring you true comprehension of the undiscovered inner mechanics of our thyroids for the first time ever.

What Your Thyroid Really Does

Your thyroid’s true function and purpose is actually much more interesting than the modern medical understanding of it. Truth is, your thyroid is your body’s data center. It is your second brain. In many medical and alternative health circles today, there is a pervasive theory that the gut is the body’s second brain. While the gut is tremendously important in its own right, it is the thyroid that is second to the brain as a control center for the body. Even when your thyroid has been damaged (a topic I address extensively in Thyroid Healing) or surgically removed as I mentioned earlier, your thyroid can still fulfil its true purpose as the data center. And the rest of the endocrine system is so advanced that it can fill in for what’s missing or damaged in the thyroid.

Unknown to research and science, including all medical communities, your thyroid catalogues all the markers of homeostasis in your body as the data center. In Thyroid Healing I share that your thyroid miraculously records what balance looks, feels, and acts like for you individually. Messages from every organ and every gland get delivered to the thyroid—when necessary, as complaints. Like a human resources department in a company, your thyroid fields these reports, collecting and recording data about what’s functioning well in your body, what’s not functioning, what’s toxic, and what’s not toxic.

Then, day in and day out, your thyroid uses its memory of homeostasis to send out radiolike frequencies (not yet detected or measured by medical science or research) that delegate tasks and responsibilities throughout the body to keep everything in balance. Your thyroid, which is self-powered and self-sufficient, uses its intelligence about your personal homeostasis to continuously re-create it for you, so that when one body system is overtaxed or compromised, another kicks in to compensate. As the thyroid delivers different frequencies to different parts of the body as needed, it can even provide energy to them—energy that is not yet weighed or measured by research and science. Isn’t that incredible? As you can see, the thyroid is about far more than metabolism and the known T4, T3, and TSH hormones. 

The Unknown Hormones

Medical science and research believe T4 and T3 are the two main hormones the thyroid is responsible for and that testing these hormone levels will provide an accurate indication of the health of someone’s thyroid. In truth, producing these hormones is actually the least important task of the thyroid. Surprised? This truth is also unknown to science and research. These known thyroid hormones are not the most significant. If they were, the thyroid symptoms and illnesses someone was suffering with would go away when they went on hormone replacement medication, but the overwhelming majority of people do not experience this. When someone’s symptoms do improve when they go on thyroid medication, which only happens for a small amount of people, it’s usually because they also made some positive changes to their diet and lifestyle at the same time. These changes are what account for the improvement in symptoms. But this varies wildly from person to person depending on the specific ways they have changed their diet, supplementation and lifestyle and how effective these changes really are at improving their health. As a result, out of the small amount of people who do see a shift, the majority will only improve temporarily.

Science is unaware that the true functions of the T4 and T3 hormones are to keep the immune system balanced to prevent under- or overreaction to stimulus, to help keep body temperature level, and to support the pancreas. Very few actual symptoms occur when the thyroid is not producing enough of these two hormones and testing for their levels does not provide a correct analysis of hormonal or thyroid health.The thyroid-related hormones known as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) do also play their own roles, which I share in Thyroid Healing, but there are other hormones that are unknown to medical science and research which are far more critical.

What is most important about how the thyroid works is its function as institutional memory and peacekeeper among all the organs and glands—and this doesn’t require T4 or T3 or its signalers TRH or TSH. Rather, the thyroid produces two additional thyroid hormones that are not yet discovered by medical research and science that I discuss in great detail in Thyroid Healing. These two incredible hormones play a pivotal role in the radio-like frequencies that the thyroid emits in its messaging and monitoring of the body. 

As these hormones are not tested for yet, let alone discovered, it shows just how far medical science and research are from being able to accurately determine the health of someone’s thyroid function. Not to mention that the true cause of most thyroid problems, which I share in Thyroid Healing, wouldn’t be detected from these tests anyway. Medical science and research are many decades away from beginning to understand what’s really happening when someone has thyroid illnesses or symptoms. My hope is that my book Thyroid Healing, which brings the truth about the thyroid and over 100 symptoms and conditions to light, will initiate research and investigation into areas of thyroid testing and thyroid problems that will actually have an outcome that is helpful for the millions of people suffering. But why wait for that to happen when you deserve to become an expert on thyroid health and how to heal now? If you’d like to discover more about the thyroid, how you and your loved ones can begin healing, and more, you can order a copy of Thyroid Healing here

Thank you for being here with me. I am so honored and grateful to have you here. I’ve known since age four, when the source that provides me with all the advanced medical information I share first spoke to me, that I needed to be the messenger for others in need of answers. I’ve been told the real reasons people are suffering and how they can heal so I can share it with you and your loved ones so you have the knowledge and support you need to heal. I’ve never forgotten that. I’ve dedicated my life to making sure you get this advanced medical knowledge that can be life-changing and even life-saving. You deserve to know the truth and you deserve to feel healthy and well. I support you and I believe in you, and I know that you can heal.

This item posted: 15-Sep-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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