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Video: Thyroid Medications

Thyroid Medications

Thyroid Medications

If you or a loved one have been prescribed thyroid medication, I’m sure you hoped that it would bring you relief and recovery from the symptoms you might have been experiencing—symptoms like weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin, fatigue, loss of libido, constipation, heart palpitations, insomnia, brain fog, aches and pains, vertigo, depression, anxiety, weight loss, or any of the other unexplained symptoms or illnesses I discuss in my book Thyroid Healing. You may have even experienced some improvement in your symptoms after beginning thyroid medication and making some changes to your diet and lifestyle that brought you renewed hope and faith in your body and the possibility of a future without symptoms and illnesses. 

But then the improvements you were feeling slowed or stopped altogether. Or perhaps you never noticed any improvement in your symptoms after beginning thyroid medication. Sadly, this is the most frequent experience people have—they take the medication but their mystery symptoms just never improve—and their hope is crushed.

When someone’s symptoms do improve when they go on thyroid medication, which only happens for a small amount of people, it’s usually because they also made some positive changes to their diet and lifestyle at the same time. These changes are what account for the improvement in symptoms. But this varies wildly from person to person depending on the specific ways they have changed their diet, supplementation, and lifestyle and how effective these changes really are at improving their health. As a result, out of the small amount of people who do see a shift, the majority will only improve temporarily. In most cases, the struggle with weight gain, insomnia, memory loss, brain fog, hot flashes, anxiety, dry skin, night sweats, and more continue on, usually even getting worse as the years pass. And as symptoms and illnesses progress and worsen, it’s easy to lose more of that precious faith and trust in the body’s ability to heal and the hope of a better future.

Can you identify with this experience? No matter what kind of experience you or a loved one have had with thyroid medications, it’s critical to know the truth about how thyroid medications work and why you can still have symptoms that are showcasing a thyroid problem even though your thyroid numbers are normal because of thyroid medication you’re taking. The truths I will be sharing with you here are not known by medical science or research or today’s experts in thyroid health. There is vital information that is missing and it’s time for you to become a thyroid expert so you can help yourself and your loved ones.

Even if you are healthy and don’t think you have a thyroid problem, it’s important to understand the truth because most people will experience a symptom that is believed to be a thyroid problem at some point in their life. Plus the current misinformation on thyroid health is so pervasive and detrimental to the health and healing of millions of people who are suffering with these symptoms and conditions. Almost everyone has a loved one or knows someone who is dealing with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, hyper or hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, hyper or hypo parathyroidism, goiters, hair loss, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, eye floaters, bulging eyes, constipation, blurry vision, brittle nails, tinnitus, aches and pains, mood swings, cold hands and feet, memory loss, puffy face, irritability, headaches, twitches and spasms, heart palpitations, brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, depression, dry skin, anxiety, weight gain, weight loss, or other symptoms or illnesses. I share the true cause of all of these conditions and symptoms and much more in my book Thyroid Healing.

What Thyroid Medication Really Does

If you or a loved one are taking thyroid medication and you’re still struggling with weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, night sweats, or any other symptom, it’s because the medication isn’t for the true cause of the problem. Why? Because medical science and research and medical and alternative health communities don’t yet know what is really behind these symptoms and illnesses! They are a mystery to them, which makes it easy to blame the thyroid for any symptom that’s not truly understood. Without knowing the true cause, it’s impossible for thyroid medications to effectively address the issue. They have to first know what point A is to know how to reach point B, but medical science and research are still decades away from discovering what’s really behind thyroid problems. Fortunately you don’t have to wait 10, 20, 30, or more years for the answers to your health problems. In Thyroid Healing, I share the true cause of thyroid problems like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, hyper or hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, hyper or hypo parathyroidism, goiters, and over a hundred other symptoms and conditions.

The truth is that your symptoms and illnesses do not stem from your thyroid being under- or over-active. You might also be surprised to know that thyroid tests themselves aren’t even accurate indicators of what’s going on in your thyroid. This is a topic I address in detail in Thyroid Healing also. There is far more to understand about what’s causing your health challenges and how thyroid medications function in your body.

Today’s thyroid medications, whether they are made of desiccated porcine thyroid or they’re synthetic, simply act as steroids that suppress your immune system from responding to the real cause of thyroid problems, which I discuss in-depth in Thyroid Healing. This steroid effect is another reason why a small amount of people may notice a little more energy, mental clarity, and improved sleep when they begin taking thyroid medication. But this suppression of the immune system is far from a solution. It only masks symptoms at best (and most often it doesn’t) and without addressing the root cause, true relief and healing can not occur.

In addition, medical science and research are not aware that the hormones in these medications, whether animal or synthetic, are not totally and truly bioidentical to human thyroid hormones. This means they’re missing key chemical compounds, which have not yet been discovered, that set human thyroid hormones apart. Plus, the thyroxine in thyroid medication fools the pituitary gland by sending it the message that the thyroid is producing enough of its hormones to suit the body.

It’s vital to know this truth: whether a person feels better, worse, or the same on thyroid medication, it is not prescribed for the thyroid itself—it does not heal the thyroid. Most people are not aware of this. They understandably assume that the prescription they received for thyroid medication will be treating the problem itself. Sadly, this is not the case and the real cause of their thyroid problems will be unaddressed, which means their symptoms and illnesses have the potential to worsen over time, and they’ll also be bearing the added load of the thyroid medication on their liver and adrenals.

The answer to this is not to stop taking your thyroid medications cold turkey. There is a safe and proper way to wean off thyroid medications with the help of your doctor, if they feel it’s in your best interests to do so. In my book Thyroid Healing, I outline a very gentle way to decrease your thyroid medications if your doctor is on board. It’s critically important to wean yourself off properly so you don’t experience an overwhelm of symptoms that not only feels terrible, but also gets you right back on a full dose of your thyroid medication. 

Hard On The Liver And Adrenals

Another factor to be aware of, which I address in Thyroid Healing, is that thyroid medications are burdensome to the liver and the adrenals, which means that over time symptoms and illnesses can continue to worsen or new symptoms and illnesses can begin to appear. This is one of the main reasons that the overwhelming majority of people find it even harder to lose weight and may even gain further weight as the years go by when they are taking thyroid medication—an outcome that is the exact opposite of what they were hoping for when they began taking it. And others who don’t have a weight problem may find they begin gaining weight for the first time after taking thyroid medication for some time because of the additional load on the liver. If you or someone you know is one of the few who experienced weight loss after taking thyroid medication, it will likely be because of other positive changes you made at the same time to improve your diet and lifestyle.

Where To From Here?

I understand that discovering the truth about thyroid symptoms and illnesses and thyroid medication might be surprising and may leave you uncertain about how to proceed. You may be wondering what to do next if you or a loved one are already taking thyroid medications. Or perhaps you have thyroid problems but you’re not yet taking medications and you want to avoid them while also working on healing your body. Or if you don’t have any thyroid problems and you want to avoid them in the future, you may also be wondering what to do. My book, Thyroid Healing, addresses exactly these situations and more and walks you through how to heal your thyroid and your body. 

I also share much more about thyroid medications in Thyroid Healing, including how they affect the thyroid gland itself over time, their true relationship with TSH readings, how to safely and properly wean off thyroid medications with the guidance of your medical doctor or endocrinologist, the truth about thyroid testing, the undiscovered true purpose of the thyroid, the unknown thyroid hormones, and much more. It’s time for you to become a thyroid expert so you can help yourself and your loved ones to feel your best. After reading Thyroid Healing, you will have more knowledge and wisdom about the thyroid and many illnesses, diseases, and symptoms than any current thyroid expert or health practitioner. You will be empowered to support your health and healing with the truth, which is invaluable.

I am so grateful that you are here with me, seeking this knowledge and pursuing healing. It is my hope that everyone is equipped with the truths I share so that genuine healing can happen for all of us. Thank you again and know I support you and love you.

This item posted: 24-Sep-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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