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Video: Thyroid Healing

Thyroid Healing

Thyroid Healing

Are you or anyone you know suffering with a condition like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves disease, hyper or hypothyroidism, or hyper or hypoparathyroidism, fibromyalgia, restless legs syndrome, PCOS, endometriosis, or perhaps you’ve had or currently have thyroid cancer? Or perhaps you or a loved one struggle with a symptom like hair loss, insomnia, heart palpitations, brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, depression, dry skin, anxiety, weight gain, weight loss, weak nails, nerve pain, aches and pains, concentration and memory loss, chills, cold hands and feet, puffy eyes, puffy face, constipation, insatiable hunger. or other unexplained symptoms or illnesses? If so, you may have been told that it’s because of your thyroid or hormones. The truth is that none of these health problems are actually caused by your thyroid or even your hormones. There is much more to understand than what medical science and research currently knows. Plus, both medical and alternative health communities do not yet know exactly what’s behind these conditions. Unfortunately, chronic illness is growing at an alarming rate with no signs of slowing down.

Even if you don't have any of these symptoms or conditions right now, it's important to learn the tools you can use to protect yourself and your family so you can help prevent getting sick in the future. There are answers, and it's my job to do whatever I can to get never before heard knowledge into your hands so you and your loved ones can regain your freedom and the lives you're here to live. You are not meant to be in the dark with no answers for why you feel the way you do. You didn't create this and you don't deserve it. In my book Thyroid Healing, I reveal the true causes of more than a hundred symptoms and conditions plaguing so many people today and how you can heal. 

If you’re an avid reader of health books and articles and you think you’re aware of the latest thyroid health information, you’re going to be more than surprised—maybe even shocked—at how much more there is to know. Thyroid Healing is like nothing you have read or heard, and it will bring you true comprehension of the undiscovered inner mechanics of our thyroids for the first time ever. Today I will explain a few of the core truths about thyroid health.

The True Cause of Thyroid Issues

The true reason so many people are plagued with thyroid problems is something I have been talking about for decades: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Medical communities and alternative health experts are unaware that EBV, which I call the “thyroid virus”, is behind 95% of thyroid problems. It’s not just a trigger for people who are already dealing with a chronic illness or even a thyroid condition as some believe. A trigger is not a true cause. Medical communities and experts believe that a virus can trigger your body’s immune system to attack healthy cells in your thyroid or body, much like mold does. This is a lazy mistake and one of the greatest medical blunders of all time that will hinder the health and lives of generations to come. It stops progress in medicine and keeps chronic illness around for decades to come. The virus is the true cause. This is a subtle but serious critical difference in knowledge that’s essential to understand so that the opportunity to heal is always there for you and the ones you care about.

Mono, which is the only understanding of EBV that medical communities have, is only Stage Two of this virus. In truth, the virus has four stages, the third of which targets the thyroid gland. When EBV invades the cells it creates inflammation. It’s not the antibodies created by your immune system that are causing the problem. The autoantibodies present are created by your immune system to fight off EBV and never your own cells, glands, organs, or thyroid in the case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Your body is using its infinite wisdom and resources to protect and heal you, not attack you as the autoimmune disease theory suggests. This mistaken theory comes from a very old agenda that has been bought and paid for long ago in the 1950s and grandfathered in to modern medicine. As a result, we now tragically have well-meaning autoimmune experts guiding and teaching people with incorrect information that can hinder healing. 

The truth is that your body is on your side. Your body is always working for you. Your body wants to heal. Knowing this truth is so powerful that it can ignite healing all on its own. Your immune system fires up and goes after the virus when you really know what’s behind your health problems. One day, medical science will take into account that by the time a pathogen invader has started to cause chronic illness in a patient, it has usually burrowed so deep into that person’s organs or glands that the pathogen doesn’t normally or easily show up on traditional blood tests because the pathogen is no longer in the bloodstream—so it appears to be a bodily malfunction. What has really happened is that the virus has moved into a later stage of infection deeper inside the body where it’s undetectable by current testing methods. But an antibody can sometimes be found in the blood and this discovery decades ago prompted the misguided autoimmune theory mistake instead of finding the virus and knowing its path and course. This early mistake in medicine blamed your body as being the problem and that is still sadly and mistakenly being carried on to even today’s alternative medicine, even by our best renowned experts. 

Radiation is the other cause of thyroid problems, but only a small percentage of people experience enough radiation for it to do any true damage, which is why it accounts for only around five percent of cases. Radiation can come from dental x-rays, plane travel, cat scans, and other forms of radiation that we can be exposed to every day. 

What Does the Thyroid do?

Medical and alternative health communities are not yet aware of what the thyroid truly does and how it functions. The current understanding they have of this gland is severely limited. They believe that the thyroid exists purely to manage metabolism and control hormones in the body. They also believe that the thyroid is mainly responsible for producing just two hormones—thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), and managing two thyroid related hormones—thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). While these hormones play a part in the thyroid’s function, there is so much more to know about this miraculous gland, which I share in detail in my new book Thyroid Healing

Medical research and science only theorize about the impact of T4 and T3 on health. The functions of these hormones can’t be weighed or measured in any lab or study yet. T4 and T3’s physical purpose is still a medical mystery. One of the chemical functions of the T3 and T4 hormones is to help balance the immune system, which is why EBV likes to go after them on its path to hurt the thyroid. Once these hormones diminish, there are relatively small symptoms, such as temperature fluctuations. Abnormal T3 and T4 hormone levels are not to blame for the myriad of thyroid symptoms they are believed to be today, from aches and pains all the way to brain fog. Of course, we want T3 and T4 at adequate levels and normalized because we want our immune system to be working at its maximum level, but there are undiscovered hormones that we need to pay more attention to. 

Your thyroid’s true function and purpose is actually much more interesting than the modern medical understanding of it. Truth is, your thyroid is your body’s data center. It is your second brain. It catalogues the balances of the body, which is like receiving complaints from the various organs and systems. Then it regulates the two undiscovered frequency hormones—I call them R5 and R6—which are yet to be discovered by scientific research. These are extremely powerful hormones that are involved with sending out the thyroid’s radio-like frequencies that promote homeostasis throughout the body. These undiscovered hormones play a much larger role in thyroid disease and symptoms associated with Epstein-Barr Virus. When EBV is cleared out of your system, your hormones will stabilize, and these symptoms will fade. You can discover more of the unknown truth about these hormones in Thyroid Healing.

Liver Absorption

A problem many people with thyroid disease unknowingly have is a sluggish liver. This can often result in part from taking thyroid medication long term. It can also be because of EBV’s toxins in the liver, along with other toxins like pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals. A sluggish or stagnant liver can also result from a diet too high in fat or processed foods. In the case of medication, the liver absorbs it and becomes overburdened. In fact, the liver absorbs so much of the medication that people often need to return to their doctor several times to continue to increase the dosage. I created month to month cleanse that’s included in Thyroid Healing for exactly this purpose: to clear out the liver and strengthen it again.


It is said that everyone with hyperthyroidism cannot gain weight, but this is not true. Many people with hyperthyroidism do have unwanted pounds or gain weight eventually. This is because there are two varieties of EBV that could be in the thyroid at the same time. The liver gets really sluggish from EBV’s byproduct, neurotoxins, dermatoxins, and other poisons, which can result in weight gain, while another strain of EBV in the thyroid is causing hyperthyroidism. This is why symptoms may not match what you’d expect from what your doctor or health practitioner has told you. Insatiable hunger often associated with hyperthyroidism is actually caused by a liver glucose deficiency caused by EBV inside the liver. You can read more on hyperthyroidism in Thyroid Healing.


It’s critical to remember that a trigger is not the cause of a thyroid condition such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, or any other thyroid or so-called autoimmune conditions. Believing a trigger is the cause is a great mistake. I talk about the great mistakes in medicine that are affecting people's ability to heal in Thyroid Healing. The cause is EBV. Triggers can simply strengthen EBV and lower the immune system so that symptoms worsen or new symptoms show for the first time. Some of the these triggers include exposure to mold, toxic heavy metals like mercury, pesticides, and insecticides. They can also include a death in the family, a broken heart or betrayal, taking care of sick loved ones, carpet cleaning, fresh paint, insomnia, and more. I include a full list of triggers in Thyroid Healing. These triggers lower the immune system and allow EBV to make its way throughout the body. Of course, many of these triggers are difficult to avoid. So the priority lies in ensuring your immune system can handle it when you are exposed to one, for example, a relationship break up. 


There are many foods that support healing of thyroid problems. First, I want to debunk another myth surrounding the thyroid. Many people are told that if they have a thyroid problem, they should avoid cruciferous vegetables because of the goitrogenic compounds. The cruciferous family, also known as the brassica family, are sulfur-rich vegetables such as kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. This is an incorrect theory which has become a popular belief today. If medical and health professionals do not actually know what is the cause of thyroid disease, how will they be able to tell you which foods to eat and which foods to avoid? 

Here is the truth regarding goitrogenic compounds. You literally cannot get enough of them in your diet in order to harm the thyroid. In fact, there are undiscovered anti-goitrogenic compounds within the same foods that cancel out the goitrogenic compounds. The brassica family of vegetables is actually very healthful and good for your thyroid, especially when you are focused on healing a thyroid problem. The phytochemical compounds within these foods help eliminate EBV. These phytochemical compounds actually have ghost-like qualities, which allow them to move through organs and glands to harm pathogens.

Foods that should be eliminated or reduced in your diet are anything that feed EBV. Medical science and research are still unaware of this truth that viruses feed off of foods and toxins to proliferate. For example, eggs are the number one food that gives fuel to viruses, specifically Epstein-Barr Virus. I go into greater detail about what foods to avoid and what foods to include in Thyroid Healing. I also have a whole section full of recipes that will aid in supporting and healing the thyroid and eliminating EBV. 

Something else to keep in mind is that when an expert gets you off foods like gluten and your symptoms start to reduce, they do not understand why your symptoms are going away. It is not because gluten was harming your thyroid. It is because gluten was feeding the Epstein-Barr virus. The symptoms you are or were experiencing are Epstein-Barr symptoms, not problematic thyroid symptoms. If you get rid of foods that feed EBV in the thyroid, liver, and other parts of the body, your symptoms are going to improve.


When taking supplements to heal from thyroid disease, it is important to look at a combination of supplements that support the thyroid and those that eliminate EBV. I share the best supplements with you in Thyroid Healing. Here are just a few of the supplements that are included in the book. 

Vitamin C as Micro-C is important to include because it works to remove EBV from the liver. 

Zinc is one of the most important minerals to include because many people are zinc-deficient, which lowers the immune system for one, and it will help knock down EBV. 

Cat’s Claw, a supplement that is finally more available in the world today, is another important one to take to knock down viruses such as EBV. 

It can also be very important to consume the This item posted: 07-Nov-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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