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Video: Rising Out Of The Ashes

Rising Out Of The Ashes

Rising Out Of The Ashes

Have you ever felt beaten down, defeated, or even crushed by chronic illness or pain, or from an emotional hardship like the loss, betrayal, or illness of a loved one? Or maybe you no longer trust in your body's ability to heal because you've been told that your body is attacking itself, when the truth is it isn't. It never has and it never will.

We all go through challenging times in our lives, but some can be so difficult to bear or long lasting that we start to believe things won't ever change or improve. This is particularly common for so many who have suffered from chronic illness for years, even decades. Maybe you or someone you know is struggling, even if it has only been for a few months or a year. You can start to forget what it's like to feel well, and struggling through each day can make you question if you'll ever heal and get your life back.

Perhaps you're someone who has a symptom or illness that isn't obvious to the people around you, so they think you're fine, and that it's just in your head. But you know you don't feel well and you feel alone in your pain. Or maybe you haven't been physically ill, but you've gone through emotional blows that have left you reeling and wondering if you'll ever feel happy again. The idea of being fully healthy and happy again can seem like a fantasy reserved for the people you see jogging, laughing, and smiling with their friends and family.

I hear from people who are having these experiences almost every day. It's heartbreaking that so many people are struggling, and losing hope and faith that they can heal. But there is a truth you can hold onto during the tough times, and that's what I want to share with you today and in my new book Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself And The Ones You Love With The Hidden Healing Powers Of Fruits And Vegetables.

When I was going through the hardest times of my life, Spirit would always tell me to remember that all storms pass. Nothing stays the same, and all things change.The sun will come out again and blue skies will replace the grey, you just have to hang in there until they do. This might seem like a simple concept, but it doesn't detract from its truth or the power it has to help you through the dark times.

I personally have gripped on to this wisdom from Spirit many times to endure the storms in my life, and I wanted to share it with you today so that you and your loved ones can hold onto it too. Remembering that everything changes and all things will pass helps build up your spirit so you can persevere through the hard times knowing there is change ahead. When you hold this truth close, it helps to speed up your healing process.

The Benefits of Time Traveling

There is a popular trend today to focus on the present moment. The concept suggests that focusing on what's happening right now allows us to not dwell on the past, which we can't change, or the future, which is far away and diverts our attention from what's in front of us right now. The idea behind this movement is that by being present, we can prevent feeling miserable about what's already happened in our lives or doesn't exist yet, and we can be grateful for what we have in this very moment. This is a powerful, positive, and mindful practice.

Focusing on the present moment can be a wonderful strategy for someone who is healthy and happy, but is busy or overwhelmed with work, or not taking enough time out to appreciate what really matters in their life. It can help to ground them and calm their mind as a form of meditation. But if you're someone who presently is suffering or has a chronic illness, symptom, or pain, or you're going through a hard time emotionally or in any other way, you don't always have to be in the present moment. In fact for many, the present moment is the last place you want to be. This may surprise you, but Spirit taught me that instead it's typically better to think of the past or future.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a physical or emotional illness or symptom currently, you have to look into the past. Think back to a time when you did feel good, before you experienced illness, struggles, or trials. Or if you've always had hardships, is there a time in the past when it all felt a bit easier? That's where you need to take your mind and thoughts to.

Think about how you felt, what you were doing and enjoying, the places you were in, the beautiful moments you experienced. Thinking back to happier and healthier times in the past connects you with the feelings you had then, and reminds your spirit and soul that the same health and happiness you had back then is still within you now. It reminds you that it's possible to feel good again and that healing isn't that far away.

Remembering that all storms pass, It's also important to think about the future. You can heal and feel happy and healthy again, so plan for the good times ahead in your future. What do you look forward to? Where do you see yourself in the future? Imagine how you will feel when you're healed or have come out of this storm, rising out of the ashes, and you're doing the things you've been wanting to. Keep your dreams alive by spending time planning for your future, because the sun will come out again.

Celebrate Your Progress

If you've already been taking some steps for healing or easing a stressful situation, like including more fruits, drinking celery juice, watching the sunset, or praying to the Angels, have you noticed any little changes, even if they're not consistent yet? Every little bit of progress we make counts, and it's critical when we are in a storm to hold onto every little improvement, win, or relief we experience.

Healing isn't always a linear process, so don't be discouraged if it seems like there's some setbacks. Often it's three steps forward, two steps back, so there may be times when it can feel like we aren't making progress, but in reality we are. Healing can also happen in increments where a lot of progress could be made one month and then small amounts of progress the next month.

But if we really pay attention, we may notice that we did have a better day, or headaches come less frequently, or we have a little more energy. When you notice little shifts, hold onto them as a reminder that health and happiness is possible, and all storms pass.

The Resurrection Food

Wild blueberries are the true resurrection food, which is why I discuss the true miraculous healing powers they have, which are unknown by medical science and research, in my book Life-Changing Foods. If you are struggling and wanting assistance to rise out of the ashes, eat these phenomenal berries as often as possible. Wild blueberries have survived in the acidic soil and challenging winters in the northern climate for many thousands of years and those natural challenges make them special, just like your challenges make you special.

Their ability to adapt to harsh environments gives them enormous physical and spiritual strength, which you also benefit from when you consume them. Their adaptogenic nutrients can help you adapt to the challenges and stress you face, and can help bring you back to life when all seems lost.

Storms Make You Stronger

I know it's miserable going through emotional hardships and having illnesses and symptoms, even if it's just a seemingly small symptom for a short time. I've been intimately aware of the struggles of every person I have encountered since I was four years old, and I have nothing but compassion for anyone who is experiencing hardship. One thing that happens when we go through struggles is that we become stronger even if it doesn't feel that way at the time.

We learn to adapt, survive, and draw on parts of ourselves we otherwise wouldn't have had to. Many of us who go through chronic illness or hardships also choose to help others who are struggling by offering support and compassion in their tough times, which is a special gift. If you have gone through trials in this life, or still are, know it's because you are a special person with great purpose here. Remembering this truth about who you are can also help you ride out the storms until they pass.

You Are Not Alone

We often feel isolated and alone in our pain when we are going through a hard time. But no matter where you are or how you feel, please know that you're not alone. In my new book Life-Changing Foods, I share the many ways we are being provided for so we can navigate through the challenges we face. I also share the truth about healing and the medicine in food that still hasn't been discovered by medical science and research that can help you turn your life around emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

This information is so essential to know because it not only gives you the tools to move through the storms we face; it also helps to restore our faith and compassion. Spirit and I put countless hours into writing this book for you and your loved ones so we can all start to heal and thrive again. With the right information and tools we can rise out of the ashes together.

When I was given the gift to hear Spirit and see inside others, I knew right away that it was given to me so I could provide information that can help save lives. My gift has never been for me. It's for others, for you and your loved ones, and that's what matters most. I was taught by Spirit to be an independent looking out for people, not interests. I was taught to watch your back to help you get through the fog of sickness.

I deeply care from the bottom of my heart about you and your loved ones, and I want us all to move forward and heal together. Know that I'm with you and I stand behind you. Thank you again for being here and learning this critical information. I am truly honored to be of service and I'm so proud of you.

This item posted: 26-Sep-2016

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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