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Video: PANDAS, Jaundice, & Baby Liver

PANDAS, Jaundice, & Baby Liver

PANDAS, Jaundice, & Baby Liver

Watching your children suffer from various illnesses and symptoms is heartbreaking. What’s even more difficult is not getting the answers you need to help your child heal. There are many health conditions that infants and small children suffer with that remain a mystery to medical science and research, including acid reflux and conditions like jaundice and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PANDAS). For moms and dads, this is an incredibly frustrating and disheartening process. 

In many cases, young children’s and babies’ health symptoms and conditions are blamed on genetics or labelled autoimmune diseases. As I explain in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease, neither of these are true and both prevent true healing for children. It’s critical if you’re a parent, grandparent, or intend to become a parent in the future that you understand what is really behind common illnesses babies and children suffer with. Because without the truth, the unknown underlying causes for their symptoms will create more health problems for your children later in life. The information I share in Liver Rescue is there for you so you know what’s really going on in your child’s body and how you can help them heal.

One common misconception is that babies are born with a clean slate when it comes to their body and health. That they are born with organs like the liver fully functioning and in good working order. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case at this point on our earth. No one is born with a liver that’s operating at 100% because toxins and pathogens are passed down from generations long before us, and these toxins affect infants in utero. This is one of the reasons a baby can experience symptoms upon birth, soon after birth or in the first few years of their life. Plus, early standard medical treatments for babies can fill newborns’ livers with what I call “Liver Troublemakers”. I list hundreds of these Liver Troublemakers in Liver Rescue so you can get a full picture of why even our children’s livers are under duress today. 

What this means is that the average healthy person today is born with a liver that is functioning at about 70% capacity—best-case scenario. For infants under intense stress during pregnancy, for various reasons, this percentage is lower. As we grow into adulthood, this number continues to decrease. This reduced liver function can cause bloating, acid reflux, jaundice, PANDAS, and many other conditions that pediatricians prescribe medication for without knowing or addressing the underlying problem because they aren’t aware of what’s really causing it. 

Baby Liver 

There are many theories circulating in the medical community as to why babies develop acid reflux or bloating. One belief is that it’s because of the mother’s breast milk, which isn’t true. Another common theory is that a baby’s intestinal tract has not developed properly or coiled correctly, causing stress on the intestines. Another is that the intestinal tract is so soft and so pliable that sitting at a certain angle puts pressure on the duodenum. Doctors say that this intestinal stress will eventually subside, and symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) do go away. But just because these symptoms clear does not mean that the root cause, a weak liver, has disappeared. Instead, the real cause, which I call Baby Liver, goes silent for a short while, until other conditions appear down the road. I explain this in-depth in Liver Rescue.

Moms and dads, what your pediatricians should be telling you is that your baby’s overburdened liver and gallbladder are behind acid reflux. The reason for this is that when an infant’s liver is weakened from ancestral toxins and pathogens (the Liver Troublemakers), it has to create more bile and hydrochloric acid than it’s meant to and designed to at this early stage of life. A baby’s liver is not meant to produce large levels of bile, nor is a baby’s stomach meant to produce high amounts of hydrochloric acid. Breast milk is made up mostly of sugar and water, not protein and fat. This high sugar and low protein and low fat composition requires very little bile production. (An unknown truth is that the brain is made out of glycogen and carbohydrates, not fats, which is why this sugar-water is so essential to a baby’s health!) 

That said, what little bile and hydrochloric acid a baby does need to produce is still important. When a baby’s liver is weak from the start, it can create a digestive issue, because baby liver translates to bile underproduction and low hydrochloric acid. When a baby’s liver is sluggish or stagnant right from the start, bile and hydrochloric acid will diminish even more. What little fat and protein there are in breast milk, the baby will have a harder time digesting on a micro scale, resulting in those GERD-like symptoms that are a mystery to doctors.


When a child exhibits symptoms like yellow skin or yellow eyes, doctors immediately know that they are dealing with a problem in the liver. This is the one condition that medical science and research know is a liver problem. What they are not able to do, though, is connect the dots. Doctors assume that the baby’s liver cannot handle the work of creating and breaking down blood cells. In reality, the liver is trying to overcome a highly toxic load made up of those Liver Troublemakers I share in detail in Liver Rescue. In other words, the liver is sluggish, stagnant, toxic, compromised and overburdened. This is especially problematic given the over 2,000 chemical functions of the liver, over 75% of which are undiscovered by medical science and research. The toxicity and burden on the liver can set the stage for future symptoms and illnesses later in life if someone doesn’t know the truth about how to properly care for the liver and get the Liver troublemakers out safely.


In the case of PANDAS, doctors turn their attention to the bacteria streptococcus. While strep is often present in a child’s system, weakening the immune system, the real troublemakers behind PANDAS are the virus HHV-6 in combination with the toxic heavy metal mercury being present in the child’s system. Medical science and research are still unaware of the truth that viruses feed on toxic heavy metals (and other Liver Troublemakers) in the body. So in the case of PANDAS, HHV-6 is feeding on the mercury, which produces neurotoxins and internal dermatoxins that cause the symptoms associated with PANDAS such as OCD, spasms, acute attacks, and rashes. To fully understand PANDAS and how it develops, you can refer to the chapter I wrote about it in Liver Rescue

Next Steps

While it can be frustrating to visit the doctor’s office and receive no real answers, it is worth bringing these issues to your pediatrician’s attention. In Liver Rescue, I discuss these conditions further, as well as the types of foods and supplements beneficial for babies and children. With these tools, you can help your children heal their livers as they grow up. You can also take the information in the book to your doctor or healthcare practitioner if you wish and find someone who will work with the information to help you and your family. I know being a parent is already such a brave and difficult job, and when your baby is sick, it becomes so much harder. There are answers for you in Liver Rescue and here so you can take this information and empower yourself and your family to heal and thrive.

This item posted: 08-Dec-2018

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