Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Moon Meditation

Moon Meditation

Moon Meditation

Years ago, I introduced a powerful meditation called the Healing Moon Meditation to people who were struggling and in need. It is our birthright to know the healing power of this meditation and use it whenever we’d like. It’s a miraculous meditation we have been given to help us heal and even to grow in compassion for ourselves and others. 

There are many forms of meditation taught online and in classes. They each have their merits and can be helpful. However, if you’re someone who struggles to meditate because it’s hard to sit still, you don’t have time, or you’re in too much pain or too stressed to clear the thoughts from your mind, those meditations may be challenging or not work for you. 

There are many meditations I have shared that can help you access miraculous healing benefits in just a few minutes, making them realistic for almost anyone. They also provide a way for you to deeply connect with the beautiful earth we live on and its perfect design to support us through our trials and hardships. I call these meditations the Soul-Healing Meditations and I describe some of the best of them in my first book Medical Medium. The minute we were born and took our first breath, we were given the right to use these Soul-Healing Meditations for healing and sustenance. 

One meditation that I haven’t yet shared in my books is the Healing Moon Meditation. This wonderful meditation cleanses the mind of poisonous thoughts racing through a busy mind and clears toxic emotions stored in the heart. To start the meditation, you must reconnect with the moon. Each night, or as many nights a week as you can, gaze at the moon for five minutes. If you’re not able to do it for that long, even doing it for 30 seconds will be helpful. You can first orient yourself to the wonder that is the moon and spend a moment appreciating it. It’s helpful to generally be aware of the moon as much as possible. Know where it is and how it’s magnetic force can help you heal and hold more light. As you stare at the moon for a few minutes or as long as you’d like, know that it is clearing your consciousness of weeds. The weeds are the toxic thoughts, emotions, and stresses that are stored within us, influencing the decisions we make, the thoughts we think, and the feelings we experience. These weeds also affect our faith, trust, and compassion, and the more weeds we have, the harder it is to navigate our way through life in a way that’s in our best interests. 

The moon doesn’t have to be bright or full to do this meditation. You can sit or stand. All you need is to be able to see it and experience an intimacy with the moon for those few minutes. The moon has a magnetic frequency that gives it the amazing ability to draw out darkness for the time you do this meditation, giving you a fresh start instantly, even if you don’t feel it yet yourself. Your soul starts to heal, your spirit starts to heal, and your heart starts to heal. Wounds you’ve collected from trust being broken, betrayal, or difficult situations you’ve had to bear, even illness or physical suffering, can start to mend. The more you do this meditation, the more profound its effects will be over time. Over time, you may feel yourself renewed and moving in a new and healthier direction. The Healing Moon Meditation is really that simple and that profound. It can be life-changing and it’s right there for you every time you wish to use it.

This item posted: 21-Feb-2017

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