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Video: Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse

Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse

Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse

Your body has such an incredible power to heal—it just needs your assistance to make that possible. The Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse I shared in my book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal is a potent way to use food to support and begin healing your entire body, including the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, cardiovascular system and nervous system.

I’ve helped people use these same principles and foods in the 28-Day Cleanse to turn people’s health around for decades. The reason this cleanse is so effective and important is because we take in all kinds of toxins and pathogens as we go through life, including toxic heavy metals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, everyday household chemicals, viruses, bacteria and more. These harmful substances collect and cause all kinds of chronic, mysterious illnesses and symptoms. 

When you clean out those toxins and pathogens from the body and support your body with the nutrients it needs, you can turn around those health problems, including fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, tremors and shakes, gout, eczema and psoriasis, migraines, headaches, aches and pains, diabetes, blood sugar issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, brain fog, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. In Medical Medium, I outline the cleanse and share exactly how to do it and how it works, so I recommend you have it on hand for a helpful guide. 

Your liver, which is the body’s detox powerhouse, takes the brunt of all the toxins we encounter in modern life. The liver works hard but it can only do so much in the face of a constant onslaught of pathogens and their byproduct, toxins, high-fat and high-protein foods (whether plant based or animal based), adrenaline and more, so over time it can become mucky, stagnant, fatty and weak. When the liver is overburdened, the entire toxic load of the body rises, causing more illness. (My book Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease provides more details about the starring role your liver plays for your health, including the hundreds of what I call Liver Troublemakers that are behind illnesses and symptoms.)

When our bodies are carrying a heavy toxic load and then we’re eating in ways that add even more of a burden, things start to really break down. But, thankfully, our bodies can heal and recover if we give them the right support. The Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse is a powerful way to assist your body so you can return to good health and wellbeing.

Keep in mind that we are all unique individuals with a different toxic load. One person might have a high load of the streptococcus bacteria and Epstein-Barr virus with a low level of mercury while someone else has high levels of copper and low levels of Epstein-Barr virus plus a lot of pharmaceutical residue. Someone else may have an especially high level of adrenaline being released from one traumatic hardship in life after another along with the shingles virus and a lot of MSG in the brain. The varying mixes means everyone will experience different results from the 28-Day Cleanse. Some people might feel immediate relief while others might take more time. The cleanse isn’t going to work like clockwork because no two people are exactly the same. Even if you don’t see results right away, the longer you continue with the cleanse, the more results you will see in time. You don’t have to stop at 28 days, you can keep going until you see healing happening and even make it your long term lifestyle if you wish.

A Health Reboot

Whether you could just use a reboot to clean things out, strengthen your immune system, and help prevent future problems or you’ve been facing numerous chronic health issues for years, the 28-Day Cleanse can do wonders. I’ve seen people recover from multiple sclerosis by living the cleanse as their lifestyle. I’ve watched it heal the worst cases of eczema and psoriasis. And I’ve seen people who couldn’t even get out of bed turn their lives around and regain energy. That’s the power our bodies have to heal when we give them what they need, like an abundance of fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, and remove what is harmful to our bodies. It’s extraordinary. 

Now even if you’re a person who can’t do the full cleanse, you can certainly study it and take the elements that work for you. Some people commit to the cleanse for one week, and often the next thing they know they’re finishing all four weeks. Set goals that work for you. And if you want to do the cleanse protocol repeatedly, or go longer than 28 days, go for it. There’s no harm in that and it can only do you good.

The full cleanse: focuses on raw fruits and vegetables; is low in fat; and eliminates processed food, dairy and animal products. To understand why these foods are eliminated, you can read Liver Rescue. Don’t be afraid of eating raw foods, by the way. They’re actually often easier to digest than cooked foods because the raw version still contains all the living enzymes that naturally help with digestion. Some people believe they can’t digest raw foods, but what is actually happening is that they feel these fibrous foods sweeping along sensitive nerves in their gut and feel discomfort. But this does not mean they are not being digested. If someone sees pieces of raw fruits or vegetables in their bowel movement, it means they have weak digestion and low bile and hydrochloric acid, but this will be the case no matter what they eat. 

It’s also important not to be afraid of eating fruit, either. Fruit is the most healing, cleansing, essential food on the planet. It’s also the easiest to digest. It’s an incredibly important food for your health. If you have a fear of fruit, please read Medical Medium or listen to my radio show on Fruit Fear so you’ll understand what a gift fruit really is. 

A Snapshot of the Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse

The Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse has helped millions of people across the globe improve their health. Again, Medical Medium gives much more detail, but here’s a snapshot of what it can look like. I hope you’ll give it a try. 

A cleansing beverage before breakfast:

This can be lemon water (that is, lemon squeezed into a glass of water), straight celery juice (see the Medical Medium book for more on this miraculous drink I brought to the world that millions of people across the globe are now drinking every morning), barley grass juice powder mixed into water, cucumber juice, or coconut water with some spirulina in it.


Make a fruit smoothie, with a recipe such as three bananas, two dates, and a cup of wild blueberries along with some papaya, mango, pears or whatever else you like. Or you could do a green smoothie and include some spinach, kale, cilantro, a couple stocks of celery or a spoonful of barley grass juice powder. You could also use the Heavy Metal Detox smoothie recipe as your breakfast. The goal of this smoothie breakfast is to give your digestive tract a break so you can heal. Consider making a double batch so you can drink the smoothie again for a snack or for another meal if you’d like. 


Make another fruit-based smoothie or drink the second serving of the one you made for breakfast. You have options here, and it’s important that you do not go hungry.


Make a salad with spinach, lettuce and cucumber as the base. Then add foods like papaya, grapes, oranges, grapefruit and mango, along with some orange juice or a small amount of avocado (or the dressing I share in Medical Medium). You could also choose to use a little bit guacamole with lime juice on top instead. You can add items like raw red cabbage, celery, arugula, baby kale, sprouts, scallions and raw cauliflower into your salad if you wish. 

Mid-afternoon snack:

Choose some fruit, such as apples, pears, dates, celery sticks or even a spoonful of raw honey as a pickup. 


The creamy raw spinach soup recipe I share in Medical Medium tastes great and will do wonders for your body. When this soup is eaten daily, I’ve seen it turn people’s health around—and especially improve skin and eye conditions—in in countless ways. This spinach soup is blended up so your body can easily digest and absorb all the amazing nutrients. 


Snack on a piece of fruit, like an apple or a date. 

However you work the cleanse, I want to be sure you do not go hungry. Sometimes when people are on a cleanse they end up hardly eating anything. That’s not healthy. That’s not the goal. In fact, eating to little hinders the progress you’ll make. Make sure you stock up with plenty of fruits and vegetables so you can stay satisfied and well fed during the entire cleanse. 

More Ideas and Alternatives

There’s plenty of room for modifications on this cleanse. You don’t need to follow exact menus. You can swap out lunch and dinner by eating two salads. Or you can have a smoothie three times a day, eating one for lunch and dinner too. You can cycle through different salad greens, just be sure you’re eating lots of raw spinach every day (and don’t buy into the myth that raw spinach is unhealthy; on the contrary it’s a miracle food). Eating raw spinach is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

Try the spinach soup on cucumber noodles. Throw mangos, cucumber, cilantro, garlic and celery into a food processor and serve that on cucumber boats or cucumber noodles. Or, put apples, cauliflower and cabbage into a food processor and grind it up as another great detoxifying snack. 

Some people get a little nervous about eating entirely raw foods. If you need to, feel free to add in a cooked option such as a steamed potato, which you could chop up and throw on a salad. Potatoes are really healing and are a great option. Another choice is to steam winter squash, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli or asparagus and put that on your dinner salad. 

A Gift For You and Your Body

As a recap, the 28-Day Cleanse is incredibly powerful. It will help you clean and clear your liver from the buildup of viruses, bacteria, toxic heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and everyday chemicals like perfume and conventional household cleaning products. It will break down and eliminate leftovers, such as rancid fats that have been sitting in the lining of your digestive tract. It will restore your adrenals. It will rebuild and rebalance your hydrochloric acid levels so you can digest foods efficiently. And it will allow you to absorb the nutrients that all the systems in your body (especially your central nervous system) need in order to function well. 

This cleanse was created to help you. It has a great history of turning lives around. Take this cleanse, like everything, one day at a time. If you can only do it for one week, do it for one week. Hang in there. Over time, you may end up doing two weeks, or even more. Just know that I’m here for you and I’m proud of you for doing something good for yourself and your loved ones. 

This item posted: 10-Jan-2019

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