Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Improved High Blood Pressure & Restless Legs

Improved High Blood Pressure & Restless Legs

Improved High Blood Pressure & Restless Legs

Repost from @noproteinguy

Here’s an amazing story about my amazing father…

Yesterday he finished his 10th 3-6-9 (3 original and 7 advanced)

The reason that he started doing the 3-6-9 cleanse was because of a regular doctors appointment 2.5 years ago where they said he had high blood pressure, high enough that the doctor told him he really needed blood pressure medicine right away.

But since he knew back then that I was in a really good progress of healing my eczema and also knew that we had talked about a protocol from @medicalmedium about healing high blood pressure as well, he said to the doctor: “I will not take this medication right now because I will give it a shot to fix this with my sons help through nutrition, and if my blood pressure hasn’t dropped until next time in a few months, then I will consider taking the medication.”

And so the journey began. He came home and said like it was and asked for help and a week later he started his first 3-6-9 original.

Two rounds later (a few months later) he visited the doctor again and the blood pressure were no longer a problem and the doctor were amazed and so was he. So he never had to take any medication and simply decided to implement this as a routine in his lifestyle and decided to do a 3-6-9 every quarter (4 times a year).

He finished his 10th round and I’m soooo proud of him and this round was REALLY tough for him. He had SUPER intense restless legs that was aching like hell and he couldn’t sleep or even lie down the first 5-6 days. But then it calmed down and went away completely.

This is why I always join him when he starts a new 3-6-9 round, to support him and yesterday I gave him a big high five and a hug and told him how proud and amazing he his for taking care of himself like this.

I’m sharing this because THIS (in my opinion) is how we CHANGE others, by simply inspire others through our own journey. He saw that I was healing and that was enough to trust that he could heal this on his own as well.

Dad and now grandfather, you rock!!!

This item posted: 27-Jan-2023

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