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Video: How Celery Juice Helps Heal Diabetes, Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia

How Celery Juice Helps Heal Diabetes, Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia

How Celery Juice Helps Heal Diabetes, Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia

When you think diabetes, you may think, Been there, done that. We’re taught that diabetes and blood sugar are all about insulin, so they’re all about the pancreas. In the case of type 1 and 1.5, we’re taught that it’s autoimmune, with the body attacking the pancreas. But the truth is that this is misinformation. Diabetes is not an autoimmune condition and diabetes, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia have a cause that's not understood by medical science and research: it all comes down to the liver.

Below you will find an excerpt from Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide on the true, unknown cause of diabetes and blood sugar problems, along with how the herbal medicine that is celery juice can help heal these common conditions together with the other Medical Medium information I offer. Celery juice can play a very important role in healing from these conditions, and it's critical to understand why and how it helps. I wrote Medical Medium Celery Juice to answer your questions about celery juice, inspire you to drink it so you can receive its benefits, and to share the true causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms such as diabetes and almost 200 more. You can pick up your copy online or get it at a bookstore or retailer such as Barnes & Noble, Costco, Target, Walmart, Chapters Indigo, and more.

Diabetes (Types 1, 1.5, and 2), Hyperglycemia, and Hypoglycemia

"Early insulin resistance symptoms such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, or an elevated A1C start from a sluggish, stagnant liver. When the liver weakens, its ability to digest fats diminishes, leading to larger volumes of fat buildup in the gut, around other organs, and even in the bloodstream. This is what leads to insulin resistance. Plus, when the liver accumulates fat, it loses its strength to control and store glucose in the form of precious glycogen reserves. Celery juice revives the liver, allowing it to dissolve and purge built-up fat that it stored away to protect the brain and heart from an overload of fat. As it returns to vitality, a healthy liver can preserve and release glycogen reserves as needed to prevent insulin resistance.

Reviving the liver is how celery juice helps with type 2 diabetes as well. Along with the proper dietary recommendations, which you’ll find throughout the Medical Medium series, celery juice is very helpful for healing type 2 diabetes. Once the liver springs back to life thanks to celery juice and other dietary support—its liver lobules are revitalized, old fats are cleansed from the liver, and glucose storage is working properly once more—the pancreas can begin to rejuvenate more quickly. Stronger bile reserves can build up, too, so that bile can break down and disperse fats more robustly. Less fat hanging around in the bloodstream means that when any kind of carbohydrate, whether healthy or unhealthy, enters the body, the insulin resistance that so often leads to type 2 diabetes doesn’t occur as easily.

Types 1 and 1.5 diabetes (the second of which is also known as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, or LADA) are caused by pancreas damage, whether from pathogenic activity or physical injury. Viruses can enter into the pancreas, attacking it and causing pancreatic inflammation, which can lead to a chronic diabetic condition. Theorists claim that types 1 and 1.5 diabetes are autoimmune; that is, that the body’s own immune system is attacking the pancreas. Don’t get caught up in this confusion. In cases where a physical blow to the pancreas is not the cause, the truth is that an invading pathogen is what’s going after the pancreas, and the immune system is reacting to try to save the gland. These pathogens are highly allergic to celery juice’s sodium cluster salts; when celery juice enters the system, it helps kill them off. And remember, the plant hormones in celery juice help stabilize and strengthen all the endocrine glands in the body, including the pancreas. This means that long-term use of celery juice can help improve someone’s type 1 or 1.5 diabetes, provided they also become aware of better dietary guidelines such as lowering fat intake as well as proper supplementation to reduce any kind of viral load inside the pancreas. As insulin resistance lowers, less supplemental insulin is needed.

People sometimes ask if celery juice is safe for diabetics in the first place. As you’ve just seen, the answer is yes. Celery juice is a godsend for diabetics. What isn’t good for diabetics is including foods such as eggs, cheese, pork, milk, and butter in the diet. For a more in-depth understanding of why that is, and fuller explanations of the different varieties of diabetes, turn to Liver Rescue and Medical Medium."

I always say that knowing the truth about what's behind your symptom or condition is half the battle when it comes to healing a chronic illness. The other part is knowing what you can do to heal the real cause. I wrote Medical Medium Celery Juice to give you these answers for diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia and hundreds of other health problems that so many people are sadly facing today. There is truth and healing available to you and now it's in your hands.

This item posted: 08-Jun-2019

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