Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: From The Heart

From The Heart

From The Heart

We all go through different types of challenges and struggles in our lives, and not just with our health. You may have experienced hardships and trials in your relationships or jobs or struggled to cope with the demands of your daily life. Each experience would have affected you in a different way. You may have felt hurt, betrayed, angry, upset, stressed, unsafe, wounded, unloved, or devastated by the experiences you’ve gone through. You might have thought to yourself, “I wish I had known this would happen. Things could have been different. I could have avoided all this pain and hardship. My heart wouldn’t be broken. If I only knew.” Can you relate? Perhaps you’ve thought or said similar words before with an experience you’ve gone through in your life. We all want to avoid pain as much as we possibly can. No one wants to suffer, struggle, or have a broken heart. But we rarely have the kind of foresight that can prevent all the pain and struggles in our lives.

When it comes to health problems, we tend to think very differently to when we have challenges in other areas of our lives. We don’t think, “If I only knew, I could have avoided getting this symptom or illness or avoided staying sick for so long,” because we are taught that most symptoms and conditions we develop are unavoidable. Instead of thinking about how you could have avoided the symptoms and pains you’re dealing with now, you may just think your body is failing you or that you’re getting old and your body is falling apart. You may think that you’re destined to suffer with a symptom or illness because it’s in your genes or you’ve been told you have an autoimmune disease and you believe your body has turned on you and is attacking itself, both of which are mistaken theories that I share the truth about in Thyroid Healing . Or you may think you have a condition or symptom that doctors don’t understand yet (and you’d likely be right). If you did receive a diagnosis, you may just think you’re stuck with it for the rest of your life.

Sadly, there is so much misinformation in medical and alternative health communities, in doctors’ offices, in health experts’ courses, and online and so few answers for people suffering with health problems that it has robbed many people of the hope and knowledge that they can heal. Here’s the truth you need to know: There are answers to what truly causes a symptom or chronic illness and you and your loved ones can become experts on your health with the information I share with you.

Since I was very young I have helped people who were deeply struggling to know the truth and unveil the mystery of their health problems for the first time ever. When the mystery has been removed and you actually know what causes your symptoms or conditions, a great relief comes over your soul, spirit and physical body and you are able to move forward with healing more powerfully than ever. You are no longer a prisoner to illness and disease. You are set free from the confusion and misinformation that comes with the guessing games, mistaken theories, incorrect labels, and misguided belief systems about health conditions that are rampant today.

It has been incredible to witness so many people finally getting the answers they’ve needed for so many years and seeing them become experts on their symptoms or illnesses with the information I’ve shared with them. They have then been able to bring their new knowledge to others to help with their healing also. What I’ve heard one person after another say over the decades is, “If I only knew. If I only knew earlier. If my sister, brother, daughter, son, niece, nephew, mother, or father only knew this before it could have given them so much relief.” This is never said with sickness. It’s only said with other challenges, struggles and roadblocks in other areas of life. I remember a mother and daughter I helped who were both sick with severe chronic fatigue. They were put in a tailspin from so much conflicting information from different doctors. They were given multiple diagnoses like Lyme disease, lupus, MS, fibromyalgia, and more, and they were also told it was all in their heads and they weren’t really sick. As you can imagine, it was a very confusing and upsetting experience for them and yet with all they went through, they still weren’t given the answers they needed—the true cause of their symptoms and how to resolve them. When they learned the truth from me, they were able to become their own health experts and take control of their health and lives for the first time. They were able to rise above their illness. And while they did say, “If we only knew earlier. So much hardship could have been avoided, including financially and emotionally,” they were so happy that they had found the answers they needed and were able to recover their health.

If you’ve been healing with the information you’ve learned in my books, radio shows, emails, blog articles, or social media posts, you may have said the same thing. You might have thought to yourself “I wish I had known this six months ago, or two, five, or ten years ago. I could have avoided so much pain and confusion, and resources and energy spent on things that didn’t work. It at least would have been helpful to know what was really wrong to begin with so there could have been relief in my heart and soul as I was working on my healing process.” I truly understand how frustrating it is that you didn’t have the truth when you first needed it, but now it is here for you. I am here to bring the truth to light. The misinformation and lack of answers out there needs to change. I wrote Thyroid Healing and all my books to do just that. The messages inside this book are controversial and edgy and go against the tide of current health trends. These trends are traps that aren't in your best interests—they’re influenced by agendas, funding, and interest groups. The information in Thyroid Healing is pure and untampered with. Is it the truth with no agenda. That’s why it goes against the grain.

Thyroid Healing is about far more than what you might think would be covered in a book about the thyroid. It is a revolutionary book about the truth—the truth about what’s really causing so many people today to suffer with annoying symptoms and/or debilitating illnesses. In Thyroid Healing I share the true cause of over 100 symptoms and conditions, all of which are currently mysteries to medical science and research. This includes thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, hyper or hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, parathyroid disease, goiters, thyroid nodules, tumors and cysts. It also includes symptoms like hair loss, insomnia, eye floaters, hot flashes, constipation, blurry vision, brittle nails, tinnitus, aches and pains, mood swings, cold hands and feet, memory loss, puffy face, irritability, headaches, twitches and spasms, heart palpitations, brain fog, vertigo, anxiety, depression, fatigue, dry skin, anxiety, weight gain, weight loss, and other unexplained symptoms or illnesses.

Did you know that our best science and research still has no answers for the true causes of these symptoms and conditions? You may get a diagnosis and you may be given some medication or suggestions to change your diet and lifestyle, some of which may be helpful. Healthier diets and caring, brilliant doctors are needed in the world. I see great people in the field of medicine who save lives and give so much relief and hope to many, but when it comes to chronic and mystery illness, it’s a different world. We need all the help we can get. We need to know what’s really wrong, where the mistakes are, what to look out for, how to protect ourselves, and how to avoid the mistakes that set us up for a fall or set us back. Most people who have a symptom or illness believe either that their genes are bad, their body is attacking itself, their immune system is attacking itself, or that they created their illness. Or they may believe that the label they have been given for their illness means the cause has been found, when it hasn’t. This is a deception.

The truth is that both alternative health and conventional medical communities today suggest and prescribe information, protocols, and treatment for different health problems without actually knowing the true causes of those problems even if the disease, condition, or illness has a label. And without knowing the true causes, it’s impossible to know the correct treatment. That’s why people who do improve with treatment can slide backwards as the years go by. Even if you’ve been given a diagnosis, you can’t become an expert on your health condition and symptom and heal it unless you know the cause to begin with. For example, even if you’ve been given a Lyme disease diagnosis, your doctor doesn’t truly understand it. Nor does the blood laboratory where you get your tests done. The tests themselves aren’t even accurate. Likewise, if you get told you have multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or eczema, your doctor doesn’t even know the truth about what causes these conditions and how to heal from them. The same is true for countless other conditions and symptoms. This has to change. You have the right to know the truth and become an expert in your health. You deserve to have the opportunity to heal and to protect yourself and your loved ones from future sickness and disease. Thyroid Healing was written for you for this exact reason—so that you can become the expert. It will help you to understand how symptoms and illnesses develop in the body, how healing occurs, and empower you to help yourself, your family, friends, community, and anyone who crosses your path throughout your life.

Nothing makes my heart happier than knowing you, your loved ones, and other people you come into contact with are able to move forward with healing because there is no mystery anymore about what you’re really struggling with. We have to work together to get the truths I share out into the world so we can begin to shift the tragic trend of misinformation and mistaken theories that are so pervasive today. The health of millions of people is unknowingly being affected. Thank you so much for being a vital part of bringing about this change in any way you can. No matter how small or large it may seem, every bit of information you learn or share matters and helps greatly. I am honored you’re here with me and I commend you for your commitment to helping yourself and others heal.

Love and many blessings,
Anthony William

This item posted: 14-Oct-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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