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Video: Do You Have A Fatty Liver?

Do You Have A Fatty Liver?

Do You Have A Fatty Liver?

If you’re thinking you probably don’t have a fatty liver, you might be surprised. The majority of people in this country have at least some degree of pre-fatty liver, if not a fatty liver. The liver may be in a condition that’s too early to diagnose, but it’s not too early for it to start having a negative effect on your health. When the liver starts getting fatty, it allows pathogens to prosper and prevents toxins from successfully leaving the body; fatty liver is a big problem that plays a role in a lot of health issues. I share the undiscovered truth about pre-fatty and fatty liver in great detail in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease. The health of your liver is that central to your quality of life and health now and in the future.

Over the years, once your liver starts becoming fatty, everything else starts going slowly down the drain. Your liver has a critical function in keeping you well. This incredible organ grabs toxins and then works to neutralize them and send them out of the body, completing it’s detoxification role. Or, the liver snags the toxins and buries them deep within itself to keep them from floating around in the bloodstream where they can damage other parts of the body—in particular your heart and brain. 

However, when the liver starts to become fatty and can’t function as well against the barrage of toxins and pathogens we’re exposed to in modern life, your liver can’t properly protect you anymore. And that’s the beginning of all kinds of health problems. People start to have skin issues later in life, or they’re told something’s out of balance with their hormones, or they begin to have neurological disorders, or they’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. People find themselves going from doctor to doctor with all kinds of symptoms and diagnoses—or not—but without any real answers. 

I want to help you heal and get out of this misinformation merry-go-round. You don’t have to wait decades for the answers—you can work on healing now with the truths available to you in Liver Rescue. Working to reverse fatty liver is a fundamental place to start so you can learn how to free yourself and your loved ones from chronic illness and symptoms or help prevent them in the future. 

It’s all about knowing how the body works, how your blood works and how your liver works (and what’s really inside all three of them). I share undiscovered information about those processes in Liver Rescue along with what I call the “Liver Troublemakers,” which are the hundreds of toxins, pathogens and pollutants we are up against. Science and research are decades away from discovering all of this, but my information is the same as it was decades ago—because my source is the same and the way the body truly works remains the same. 

Creating Thicker, Fattier Blood

Part of the reason so many of us have at least a pre-fatty liver is because as we go through life, we eat to survive. We’re under stress. We run into challenging circumstances. Pressure mounts up around us, and all of it keeps us from eating healthier foods. When we have a chronic illness on top of all that, sometimes the best we can do is just get through the day. So people end up eating a doughnut or grabbing a slice of pizza or buying a hot dog from the food truck or eating half a jar of peanut butter. We eat to survive. We eat to comfort ourselves. We eat to satisfy cravings. And over time, it all adds up. Your blood gets full of more and more fat.

What you need to know is that the more fat you have in your blood on a daily basis, whether it comes from animal foods or plant foods, the more likely you are to develop a fatty liver. When the blood has more fat in it, the blood becomes thicker. The thicker the blood, the less oxygen there is for the liver. And when the liver doesn’t have enough oxygen, it suffers and can’t do its job well. 

Blood thickness is the liver’s deal breaker. It would be a miracle if you could get a blood fat test at the doctor, just like people can do a quick blood sugar test. It could take medicine forward in leaps and bounds. Because that information about the ratio of fat in the blood has everything to do with the health of the liver, and the health of the liver sets the stage for just about every chronic illness and disease, including cancer. 

Not only are high blood fat levels bad for your liver, but they are also bad for the rest of your body too. When blood fat is high, anything can prosper, including pathogens like bacteria and viruses. These pathogens are the true cause of most chronic illness, including so-called autoimmune disease. See Liver Rescue for more details on what’s actually happening in autoimmune disease. The short story is your body does not attack itself and you can heal these illnesses by clearing out what’s really behind these conditions: pathogens, toxins heavy metals, radiation, and all kinds of chemicals and toxins. The real causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms are a mystery to medical communities, so it has never been more important to empower yourself with the truth and take healing into your own hands with this information.

Lately sugar has been under heat as the cause of so much illness. But what people don’t think about when they point the finger at sugar for everything, is that fat and sugar are almost always eaten together. There’s the coffee with milk and sugar. There’s the BBQ sauce with sugar that goes on the fatty pulled pork. There’s the cheese sandwich with the high fat content of the cheese and butter. And there are the cookies and pastries and cakes, all of which have fat and sugar. Or there’s the straight sugar, like a candy cane, that you eat at the end of a festive meal that had a lot of fat. 

Certainly people who cut down on added and refined sugars (I’m not talking about the natural sugars in fruit—which are incredible for you) will find their health improves. However, if they don’t also start to lower the fats, they’re unfortunately still going to have health issues down the road. 

The Problem with Fat

Right now a lot of people are promoting a high-fat, high-protein diet, but this is a harmful trend. Whether the fat is plant-based and comes from foods like nuts, soy and oils or whether it’s animal-based and comes from eggs, milk, cheese, or chicken—too much fat thickens the blood, ages the body, and is hard on the body and liver.

What’s happening when people are doing these diets that are high-fat, high-protein, no carbohydrate and no fruit is they’re losing a lot of water. If they’re losing weight, that’s what it is—largely water. So people think they’re losing weight effectively, but they’re really just dehydrating themselves, thickening the fat in their blood and starving the brain of the glucose it needs from fruit and carbohydrate-rich vegetables to function well. 

As I mentioned earlier, the liver needs oxygen to do its job well (and the thicker the blood, the less oxygen is present). The liver also needs water. So when people do these high-fat, high-protein diets and lose water, it’s another strike against the liver. Your liver needs water to cleanse it and perform the detoxification process. It needs oxygen and water to sort out and deal with the harmful elements: viruses, bacteria, toxic heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and other toxins and chemicals. 

The liver also needs oxygen and water to sort through the blood, especially thick blood, and take in the beneficial nutrients: vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants (if you eat lots of fruit, you’ll have lots of healthy antioxidants). Your liver helps direct the beneficial nutrients and send the glucose and glycogen to your heart and your brain. You see, your brain and central nervous system run on glucose and glycogen, not fat. These natural sugars keep the brain cool and keep it running well for the long haul. On the other hand, chronic high fat diets atrophy and shrink the brain with time. 

Even someone who exercises all the time and doesn’t have a scrap of fat on their body can have thick, fatty blood and can be on their way to a fatty liver. This seemingly healthy person can have a different story going on internally, and with time it can catch up with them. That’s what’s happening with some of these athletes we hear about who are having strokes and heart attacks in their 40s and 50s. Their blood fat levels are so high that the heart has to strain far more than it should to try to pump blood and this thick blood constricts their blood vessels.

Since a majority of the country has fatty liver to some degree, we need to dive into the solutions. When the liver is cared for and treated right you can heal just about any kind of illness. I urge you to read Liver Rescue, and study its undiscovered information so you can get better and prevent future problems too. 

Stomach = Not So Smart, Liver = Genius 

Your stomach is actually the least intelligent organ in the body. But that’s part of how our bodies are brilliantly designed. You see, if the stomach wasn’t stupid, we’d be in trouble. That’s because throughout human history we’ve needed to be able to eat what we need to eat to survive. We don’t always have a lot of resources, but we need to be able to eat to stay alive. Our stomach is essentially just a pouch that gets marching orders from the brain. If it were an intricate tool that provided guidance or forewarning about what to eat, people might not get the calories they needed to stay alive. The stomach’s dull role gives us a better chance at surviving life on this planet. Don’t mistake this for meaning that the functions the stomach performs are stupid. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The stomach and everything that happens inside it is miraculous and still mostly unknown to science and research.

The liver, on the other hand, is truly genius. It is so smart, it knows if you eat a cheeseburger followed by chocolate cake every year on your birthday. It will document and record that so it can be ready every 365 days to process that meal. Your liver knows if you do Friday night pizza every week, and it tries to get ready and produce the bile needed to digest that cheese and fat and oil. 

This is actually one reason people get confused and sometimes think that vegetables bother them. If your liver is preparing bile to process the Friday night pizza and then you switch one week to a big salad with lots of fresh vegetables, it’s a surprise to your liver so the digestion can be a little off. Over time, of course, as you switch to a healthier diet, your liver adjusts accordingly and becomes even healthier and more effective in all its jobs.

Time for Healing

The bottom line is we’ve got to take care of our liver. When we treat our livers right, they can protect us from pretty much every health issue out there. So dig into Liver Rescue, and follow these tips to get started right away: 

*  Lower your fat intake. Whether it’s paleo, vegan or anything in between, it’s important to lower the fats. You may even want to try eating fat-free for a while if you want to turn your health around quickly. I’ve seen people with Lyme disease and multiple sclerosis (MS) get out of bed by cutting fat and eatings lots of leafy greens and fruits.

*  If you’re eating animal products, reduce your intake to once every other day at most. If you’re eating lots of nuts, oils, seeds, or avocados, try reducing them by at least 50% and omitting oil altogether.

*  Eat more fruit. Fruit is bursting with antioxidants, which prevent damage from oxidation and harmful elements we take in. The antioxidants in fruit will help clean out the toxins from your blood and increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream and in your liver. The natural sugars in fruit will also help your brain and central nervous system run well. But fruit does a lot more than just provide antioxidants. In truth, it is the number one most essential food for health and healing. Check out Liver Rescue to find out more about how different fruits and vegetables can help you recover your health.

*  Stay hydrated. Eating fruit and drinking herbal tea, water with lemon or lime and coconut water will give your liver the water it needs to do its job.

*  Drink celery juice. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 16 ounces of straight celery juice. Then wait 15 minutes before eating breakfast. Celery juice is an incredible medicinal tonic that will do wonders for your liver and your health. 

I know there’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it’s confusing and difficult to know what’s right. But please know that you don’t have to suffer anymore. I’m sharing this information with you to help you and your loved ones turn your health around and finally heal from the symptoms and conditions that you may be experiencing. It’s your birthright to feel well and live the life you deserve.

This item posted: 23-Nov-2018

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