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Video: Celery Juice for Eczema, Psoriasis & Other Skin Conditions

Celery Juice for Eczema, Psoriasis & Other Skin Conditions

Celery Juice for Eczema, Psoriasis & Other Skin Conditions

In this article, I’ll be sharing the truth about a range of skin conditions, from eczema and psoriasis to keratosis pilaris and others. Some of these skin conditions, such as eczema, are considered to be autoimmune conditions. Before I share more about skin conditions and how celery juice can help, it’s first critical to understand that the autoimmune theory that suggests the body attacks itself is inherently flawed. The truth is that your body never attacks itself. It’s always working for you and loves you unconditionally. There is a real reason for your symptoms and conditions and it’s vitally important to know what that is and why so many health conditions are said to be autoimmune today. I provide a full explanation of what I call the “autoimmune confusion” in Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide and also check out Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto's, Graves', Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr.

The real cause of skin conditions that are labelled as autoimmune is a cocktail of viruses and heavy metals that can be found in your liver. What does this have to do with your skin? Everything. 

Eczema and Psoriasis

Put simply, most skin conditions are caused by viruses in the body. Eczema and psoriasis, for example, are the result of a low-grade herpetic viral infection inside the liver. As I share in Medical Medium Celery Juice, “Most commonly, that virus is Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). When the virus feeds off toxic copper and mercury that are also in the liver and then excretes them, that copper turns into a dermatoxin. These dermatoxins build up and exit the liver, eventually finding their way to the lower levels of the dermis. Once there, the body tries to detox them by pushing the dermatoxins up through the skin. This can lead to almost 100 varieties of rashes that are deemed to be eczema or psoriasis or are given different names. In none of these cases is the immune system attacking the skin. That’s an inaccurate explanation that comes out of misunderstanding how eczema and psoriasis really work.” Medical research and science are unaware that this is the true cause of these skin conditions. 

It’s not difficult to have a build up of toxic heavy metals in your body for viruses to feed on. Copper, which is partly responsible for skin conditions like eczema, can be passed down through your family line or you can be exposed to it in daily life. Copper pots and pans in restaurants that have been scraped and overused are a common source. So too are copper pipes. Pesticides are another source of toxic copper that build up in the liver from years of eating conventional food products and being exposed to pesticides used on your garden or nearby farms. Mercury is another part of the equation when it comes to psoriasis.

Rosacea and Actinic Keratosis

Rosacea is a particular form of eczema that can appear in many forms on the face and neck. Actinic keratosis is another form of eczema. People with more advanced, aggressive cases of eczema and psoriasis usually have a higher toxic heavy metal load and viral load inside the liver. It’s critical to start removing the toxic heavy metals from your body by including the five foods for safe and effective heavy metal detox daily: cilantro, wild blueberries, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, and Atlantic dulse. A convenient way to have these foods daily is in the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.


Medical research and science are unaware that vitiligo is caused by a virus such as HHV-6 or EBV feeding on aluminum and traces of formaldehyde in the liver and elsewhere in the body, releasing an aluminum-based dermatoxin that, when it enters the skin, destroys the melanin pigments inside skin cells. This is what leads to the white spots and other discolorations that occur for someone living with vitiligo. It is not the skin’s immune system attacking the skin pigment. It is a real illness with a real cause. Aluminum byproduct can float around the bloodstream, waiting to interact with an underlying viral infection, due to something as seemingly minor as your last fluoride treatment at your dentist office (fluoride is an aluminium byproduct). Eventually, science and research will catch on to the effects of viruses and heavy metals on the skin but for now this information is unknown.

Lupus-Style Rashes

This type of rash is caused by EBV feeding off mercury and aluminum, creating a dermatoxin that surfaces to the skin in areas where important lymphatic highways reside. It’s why butterfly-shaped rashes can appear on the face, along with other forms of rashes that can land somebody a diagnosis of lupus. Once again, this is not the body attacking itself. It is a low-grade viral infection. Many people with lupus also get diagnosed separately with EBV because the doctor sees EBV come through in a blood test. Usually, they still won’t associate the virus with the lupus-style rashes. If a lupus patient visits a Lyme doctor, they may end up with a Lyme diagnosis as well—still not realizing that it all traces back to the same source: EBV. 

For more on skin conditions and how to heal, you can read Medical Medium Celery Juice and also Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease.

Celery Juice and the Skin

Drinking celery juice can help heal each of these skin conditions and a multitude of others, including acne, prematurely aging skin, and dehydrated skin. Celery juice works such wonders on the skin for three primary reasons: coumarins, vitamin C, and sodium cluster salts. 

Coumarins from celery juice travel to the top of the skin and reinvigorate skin cells from the inside out. This results in less skin cell death, less deterioration, and it supports nerves and blood flow. Many people are getting facials or visiting the sauna for the results they could see if celery juice was consistently consumed daily in the way I recommend in Medical Medium Celery Juice

The vitamin C in celery juice is unique from that found in other foods. This special form restores the liver’s immune system, increasing its capacity to fight off viruses and bacteria. Science and research know that there are white blood cells in the liver, but what they don’t know is that there are six different types of immune cells specific to the liver. For more information on this, take a look at Liver Rescue. You may take vitamin C supplements and that is important, but the vitamin C found in celery juice is different in that it doesn’t need to be converted. I’m not saying that supplements aren’t beneficial, because high-quality supplements of the right kind absolutely are, but celery juice offers this unique vitamin C that is part of the reason so many people around the globe are healing by drinking straight celery juice every day. 

Sodium cluster salts are a natural subgroup of sodium that is found in celery. Research and science are still unaware of these cluster salts and how they help the body heal. These sodium cluster salts act as a poison to viruses and bacteria while remaining completely nontoxic and healing to your body. Celery juice also disarms the destructive charge of toxic heavy metals inside the body and helps the liver—where the toxins and pathogens responsible for skin conditions reside—to heal. I cover all of these healing properties of celery juice in great depth in Medical Medium Celery Juice

As celery juice kills off the underlying viruses behind so many skin conditions and heals your body in the other ways mentioned and more, over time you will see your skin improve. I always recommend also bringing in the other healing guidance I include in the Medical Medium books, such as Medical Medium Celery Juice and Liver Rescue, along with celery juice, in order to heal. Celery juice is a powerful tool, but it takes more than one 16-ounce glass. It also takes cutting out certain foods, such as eggs, dairy products, pork, gluten, canola oil, soy, and fried foods. I share the foods to avoid and the foods to emphasize and why in Liver Rescue

For those with more severe cases of eczema, drinking celery juice may appear to cause some initial symptomatic reactions. The reason for this is that in severe cases, the person will have a higher viral load and build-up of toxic heavy metals in the liver. When you first start drinking celery juice, then, the byproducts of this viral load feeding on the metals—the dermatoxins—get pushed out through the skin. It’s important to know that it isn’t the celery juice making your symptoms worse; the celery juice is effectively killing off the virus and detoxifying the dermatoxins. 

The truth is that eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions can absolutely be healed. If you’ve been told you will have to live with it forever or that it’s genetic or autoimmune, you can now find peace in knowing this isn’t true. You can heal; it just takes understanding the true cause and taking the steps necessary to address it. For some, skin conditions improve rapidly. For others, it can take some time. Have patience and keep persisting. Read the Medical Medium books and apply what you learn so you have the tools and information you need to heal. Also check out Medical Medium Instagram where we repost people’s stories of healing eczema, psoriasis and all kinds of other skin conditions. You will find so much inspiration, hope and support with the Medical Medium community there. Healing is possible for you. I am with you and I support you.

This item posted: 28-Sep-2019

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